
September 2010

Re-linking the Western Balkans – the energy dimension

This policy report analyzes the challenges that the Western Balkan countries face in their efforts to increase energy efficiency, reduce import dependency and expand renewable energy sources, whilst simultaneously aligning their legislation and policies with the EU's acquis communautaire.

Kosovo – the Ahtisaari plan redux

The Ahtisaari plan - or something like it - will have to be part of any practical arrangement for the north of Kosovo, with the international community possibly taking the place of Pristina in the Plan's implementation.

Kosovo i Ahtisarijev plan Reduks

Ahtisarijev plan - ili nešto slično tome - će morati biti deo bilo kakvog praktičnog rešenja za sever Kosova, uz mogućnost da međunarodna zajednica preuzme ulogu Prištine u sprovođenju Plana.

Dayton Express

‘Dayton Express – Bosnian railroads and the paradox of integration’ is an interactive documentary that is designed to provide a space for exploring the nationalist...
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Time to end the appeasement of Serbia

Instead of entertaining the idea of territorial exchanges between Serbia and Kosovo, the international community should make mutual co-existence, human rights and anti-racism the basis of its intervention in the region.
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