
September 2012

Bringing peace into the post-2015 development framework

TransConflict has endorsed the following statement, entitled “Bringing peace into the post-2015 development framework”, which sets forth key recommendations for how to most effectively integrate peacebuilding and violence prevention into the post-Millennium Development Goals.

Northern Ireland – Living in the Half Light

TransConflict is pleased to present a short film, entitled ‘Living in the Half Light’ , which explores the challenges of dual identity experienced by children and youth in Northern Ireland whose origins are from a different culture.

Kosovo – the end of supervision?

Whilst the departing International Civilian Office (ICO) oversaw the writing of many good rules, according to which Kosovo’s institutions were erected or reshaped, it completely neglected to ensure their full implementation.

Dealing with the Michael Collins problem

Along with substantive questions, both Serbia and Kosova continue to grapple with the spoiler problem which underscores – as the unfortunate examples of Ireland’s Michael Collins and Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin demonstrate – the dangers notables face if they prove willing to accept something less than total victory.

Breaking Kosovo’s northern deadlock

A temporary and dynamic model that keeps the north within Kosovo whilst providing northern Serbs a solid degree of self-governance is what both Belgrade and Pristina should strive for, with the international community being prepared to lead a process of drafting and imposing such an agreement.

The third Peacebuilders’ Panel

TransConflict is pleased to announce the third Peacebuilders’ Panel, which is designed to stimulate debate about peacebuilding and conflict transformation amongst practitioners, academics, students and enthusiasts alike.
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