Disarming with empathy

TransConflict is pleased to present a talk on empathy by Jo Berry, whose father, Anthony, a Conservative Member of Parliament, was killed by the IRA in the Brighton hotel bombing in October 1984.

Suggested Reading

Conflict Background


Jo Berry has worked for over 10 years to resolve conflict around the world. Sixteen years after her father was killed by an IRA bomb, Jo first met with the man responsible, Pat Magee. Her preparedness to try to understand him opened a path to empathy that continues to develop. Their unusual relationship has been told in the BBC documentary “Facing the Enemy”, was featured in the film “Soldiers of Peace”, and inspired “The Bomb”, a play by Kevin Dyer.


The founder of Building Bridges for Peace, Jo advocates that empathy is the biggest weapon we have to end conflict. She has spoken over 100 times with Pat Magee and works regularly in the UK and in areas of conflict including Lebanon and Rwanda.

Jo has worked with Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Forgiveness Project), the All Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues, and Combatants for Peace. She is Chair of the International Network of Peace, and Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Democracy and Conflict Transformation at the University of Essex.

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What are the principles of conflict transformation?



8 Responses

  1. Hem Pun

    Dear Jo Berry, your tireless devotion for humanity touched my heart, echoed my ear and also grilled my brain too. There are many similarities between your experiences and mine. I am a retired army soldier, nearly fatally injured in Maoist ambush during a decade long conflict of Nepal followed by abduction, torture and displacement of my family member from my ancestral home by Maoist guerrilla. For last 8 years I have been devoting my time for peace and reconciliation in my society. Looking forward for more sharing our experiences on empathy and humanity

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