On-line Multimedia Resources

Below you will find a selection of on-line multi-media resources, including videos and power-points presentations, exploring various Euro-Atlantic structures.

  • 1) The EU and European Integration:
  • 2) NATO and the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Programme:
    • a) DVD – Six Colours – Six colours, six stories, six film-makers. Over the past 60 years, NATOÌs missions have diversified. These video reports show various facets of the Alliance through the stories of men and women from different backgrounds.
    • b) Introduction to NATO (pdf) – A power-point presentation introducing NATO, what it does and how it works.
    • c) Virtual Expo on NATO – created by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division (PDD), the exhibition highlights NATO’s role in responding to existing and emerging security challenges. Using a mix of interactive video, photographic and print media, it illustrates the Alliance’s current operations, capabilities and partnerships. Once you enter the virtual exhibition site, you can click on the individual display units in order to zoom in and explore them in more detail.
    • d) Welcome to NATO – Flash animation explaining how NATO works
    • e) DVD – Defence Against Terrorism – NATO’s Role – this report allows you to hear from people who are involved in the fight against terrorism on a day-to-day basis. They are not just soldiers but also scientists, intelligence officers, politicians and civil servants. They represent NATO’s multifaceted response to the terrorist threat.
    • f) DVD – “HQ” – This interactive DVD includes a fictional film which provides an inside look at how NATO works as well as some educational bonuses directly linked to the film.
  • 3) The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE):

To recommend additional resources for the Euro-Atlantic Integration On-Line Resource Library, please contact TransConflict by clicking here.

Ministry of Foreign 	Affairs of the Czech Republic
This project has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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