The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Here you will find a range of publications exploring the structure and purpose of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), including its various activities in the Western Balkans.

  • 1) How does the OSCE function?
    • a) OSCE Handbook (pdf) – a detailed guide to the history, structures and work of the OSCE.
    • b) What is the OSCE? (pdf) – The Organization comprises 56 participating States that span the globe, encompassing three continents – North America, Europe and Asia – and more than a billion people.
    • c) OSCE Annual Report 2008 (pdf)
  • 2) Fact-sheets:
    • a) OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights – The ODIHR promotes democratic election processes, assists OSCE participating States in the implementation of their human dimension commitments and assists OSCE field missions in their human dimension activities.
    • b) OSCE Parliamentary Assembly – The primary task of the 317 member Assembly is to facilitate interparliamentary dialogue, an important aspect of the overall effort to meet the challenges of democracy throughout the OSCE area
    • c) OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre – The Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC) provides a direct link between the OSCE field operations and Vienna. It also serves as the focal point in the Secretariat for co-ordinating and developing the OSCE’s role in the first of the three so-called dimensions of security, the politico-military dimension.
    • d) OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
    • e) OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
    • f) OSCE’s External Co-operation Section – At the level of the Secretariat, the OSCE’s co-operation and liaison with its external partners is chiefly managed by the Section for External Co-operation, within the Office of the Secretary General. The Section is the first point of contact at the headquarters level for international organizations and institutions, sub-regional organizations and initiatives in the OSCE area.
    • g) OSCE Action Against Terrorism Unit – The ATU supports the 56 OSCE participating States, the Chairman-in-Office and the Secretary General in their activities aimed at preventing and fighting terrorism.
    • h) OSCE Strategic Police Matters Unit – The SPMU supports policing in all OSCE participating States as part of the rule of law and fundamental democratic principles and, through assessment, expert advice and assistance develops accountable policing services that protect and aid their citizens.
    • i) Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities
    • j) Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in the OSCE Region – raises public awareness of all forms of human trafficking and helps build the political will to combat the problem. It assists participating States, at their request, in fulfilling OSCE commitments and recommendations. Furthermore, the Office co-ordinates anti-trafficking efforts within the OSCE and co-operates with international organizations as well as with relevant actors from civil society.
  • 3) The OSCE in the Western Balkans:
    • a) OSCE Presence in Albania – works in partnership with other relevant actors to support state institutions, primarily on issues relating to democratization, good governance, the media, human rights and electoral reform.
    • b) OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf) – assists BiH to meet its OSCE commitments and progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration by strengthening security and stability through completion of peace-building within the Dayton framework and developing inclusive political discourse and democratically accountable institutions that respect diversity, promote consensus and respect the rule of law.
    • c) OSCE Mission to Montenegro – assists the Government and supports reforms including democratization processes; legislative reform and institution building; media reform; police reform; and protection of the environment and economic development.
    • d) OSCE Mission to Serbia (pdf) – Under its mandate, the Mission advises on the implementation of laws and monitors the proper functioning and development of democratic institutions and processes in Serbia. It assists law enforcement bodies and the judiciary in training and restructuring.
    • e) OSCE Mission in Kosovo – promotes the human rights and safety of all people living in Kosovo by monitoring and supporting the work of local institutions. The Mission, established in 1999, is the largest field operation of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
    • f) OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje (pdf) – the Mission supports the Host Country in enhancing stability and providing assistance aiming at a safe environment for all communities. This includes confidence building and monitoring targeting police development, rule of law, good governance and media development.

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