Kosovo – the EU demands surrender
By accepting Berlin's 'Kosovo conditions' for further progress by Serbia towards EU membership, the EU is in effect acting to impose Pristina's rule in the north and pressuring Belgrade to simply surrender.
Kosovo – will the EU demand surrender?
The EU appears to be under pressure from Germany to only grant Serbia candidate status - without a date to start accession negotiations - and only under specific conditions that would push Belgrade to surrender the north on Pristina's terms.
Kosovo – a possible compromise on customs and the North
Finding a compromise solution on customs and the North - one that would help de-escalate the current confrontation - will require both Serbs and Albanians to abandon their maximalist positions, and the internationals to pursue a genuinely status neutral approach.
Kosovo – NATO's actions illegal, illogical and immoral
Through its illegal, illogical and immoral actions, NATO is reducing the Serbs' room for cooperation and peaceful rejection of Kosovo institutions, and setting the stage for more violence and perhaps full partition.
Kosovo – KFOR-EULEX violence and a cover-up?
It seems clear that KFOR and EULEX were responsible for the initiation and escalation of violence in Jarinje in north Kosovo on September 27th, and an independent inquiry is urgently required to establish the facts.
Kosovo – myth busting
A number of myths about the north of Kosovo - including that there is a military/police solution to its refusal to accept rule by Pristina and that EULEX is acting legally in seeking to impose Kosovo customs in the north - continue to jeopardize peace and security.
Kosovo – EULEX and status neutral customs
With KFOR clearly acting in violation of its UN Security Council mandate in supporting Pristina's ban on Serbian imports, Kosovo Serbs are within their rights to expect EULEX to follow status neutral procedures should it insist on doing customs in the north.
Kosovo – the coming conflict over customs
Though Serbia and Kosovo have reached a compromise agreement on customs seals, Pristina's efforts to impose its customs officers and fee collection at the northern boundary will likely became a further source of violence.
Kosovo – NATO's violation of its UN mandate
KFOR's imposition of Pristina's trade blockade and General Buhler's role in 'negotiating' political agreements both exceed NATO's UN mandate; a mandate that the Quint countries – led by the US and Germany – have chosen to disregard.
Kosovo – the 'Hoodlum' myth
The myth of the “hoodlums” does an injustice to the northern Kosovo Serbs and seriously underestimates what is at stake in the north, and what cost may have to be paid for the Quint effort to hand the north to Pristina before leaving.
Serbia and Kosovo – the EU condition
Though the EU has attempted to exploit the Kosovo crisis to begin openly pressing Belgrade to give up the north in order to enhance its membership prospects, it seems most likely that the Quint's attempt at blackmail will not work.
Kosovo – "partition is now more likely"
An interview with Gerard Gallucci, the former UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, in which he discusses how the actions of Pristina and the support of NATO has - by hardening the line between Serbs and Albanians - made partition ever more likely.
Kosovo – what might ‘Ahtisaari Plus’ look like?
An 'Ahtisaari Plus approach', offering a form of special autonomy for the north, could provide the basis for a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina; one that might also win sufficient support from the northern Kosovo Serbs to be viable.
Kosovo – the northern reality
Impressions from a recent visit to north Kosovo confirm that, in spite of improvements in movement across the River Ibar, it remains a potential crisis point that both the government and internationals in Pristina have contributed to rather then helping alleviate.
Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans
A recent conference explored some of the main obstacles - deriving from both internal and external sources - that the Western Balkans faces as it integrates into Euro-Atlantic structures.
Serbia offers a Kosovo smorgasbord
Eager to ensure that Kosovo does not inhibit its EU membership aspirations, the Serbian government - facing elections next year - has recently offered a veritable smorgasbord of possibilities for reaching a “historical” compromise.
Kosovo – Pristina's police ploy
Pristina's attempts to inject its police into the north threaten to upset the status quo and provoke a response that may not only lead to the full partition of the Kosovo Police Service, but which could also derail talks between Serbia and Kosovo.
Kosovo – the negotiations, the north and the police
Whilst Belgrade shows a willingness to compromise on specific issues, Pristina remains wedded to a maximalist stance - particularly towards the north - that inhibits its scope for making concessions and has led to suggestions that regional stability could be threatened if the spectre of partition is raised.
Kosovo – is the EU turning status neutral?
After seeking since 2008 to support the imposition of Pristina's rule in north Kosovo, the EU may now be shifting to a more status-neutral approach. The devil will be in the details and much will depend on whether the US goes along.
Will the US stop digging its Kosovo hole?
The current talks between Belgrade and Pristina may provide the US with an opportunity to shift away from a policy that has become dependent upon giving full backing to Kosovo's prime minister, Hashim Thaci, regardless of the accusations made against him.
Kosovo – still a mess
With Kosovo still a mess, it remains to be seen whether the Quint will push Pristina to accept necessary compromises and whether EULEX will move to prevent a resumption of Pristina's provocations on the ground.
Kosovo – what a mess
Given the spate of bad news emerging from Kosovo in recent weeks, the only way forward is for the international community to again attempt to achieve a political solution, this time with Belgrade directly.
Kosovo – alternativna rešenja za sever
Iako je na severu Kosova u poslednje vreme bilo relativno mirno, sa iznimkom nekoliko manjih incidenata, prisutna je sumnja da se ova situacija može održati bez daljiih sputavanja i mogućeg političkog rešenja zasnovanog na jednom od dve alternative - specijalnoj autonomiji za sever ili podeli.
Kosovo – the alternatives for the North
Though northern Kosovo has been relatively calm of late, albeit with a series of minor incidents, it is doubtful that this situation can persist without continued restraint and an eventual political solution based upon one of two alternatives - special autonomy for the north or partition.
Kosovo – the Ahtisaari plan redux
The Ahtisaari plan - or something like it - will have to be part of any practical arrangement for the north of Kosovo, with the international community possibly taking the place of Pristina in the Plan's implementation.