Bosnia and Herzegovina – time for constitutional reform
The European Court of Human Rights’ ruling on the discriminatory nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitution should provide fresh impetuses to stalled reform talks.
Three good ways to end 2009 in the Western Balkans
Three key decisions at the end of 2009 – visa liberalization, Serbia’s application for EU membership and the European Court of Human Rights’ ruling on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitution - provide significant momentum for the Western Balkans in 2010.
NATO and Serbia – black and white world
Should we want to talk about these unpleasant and painful topics, let’s be professional and responsible enough to present all the facts.
Reflexions on working in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nine years of working in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Soul of Europe has taught a number of important lessons about the need for a coherent and integrated framework for peace-building, including greater attentiveness towards religious and business issues.
Macedonia – is the name issue close to an end?
A Greek veto at the upcoming EU council meeting threatens to further fuel growing animosity in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Montenegro – on its way towards the EU and NATO
Whilst Montenegro continues to make visible progress towards achieving its key foreign policy priorities, further steps are required to ensure that its internal reform processes maintain a similar pace
Barking up the wrong tree in Bosnia
Bosnia and Herzegovina has made progress along its road map, but the international community is focusing on the wrong issues.
From Russia with loans
The agreements signed during president Medvedev’s visit to Belgrade not only reinforce Russia’s economic influence over Serbia, but also demonstrate that relations between the two... Read More
The concept of international security and the evolving role of NATO
NATO has survived the end of the Cold War by adopting new missions, changing conceptually, taking in new members and by invoking Article Five in... Read More
Prioritising rights over regions
Instead of renewing calls for the establishment of a “Presevo Valley region”, ethnic Albanian politicians should focus on establishing an Albanian National Council in order... Read More
Serbia requires patience over Europe
Despite Ireland’s affirmation of the Lisbon Treaty, Serbia should refrain from applying for candidacy until the interim trade agreement is unblocked.
Bosnia and Herzegovina – ethnic disarmament
With Bosnia’s leaders unimpressed by the EU’s remote carrots, a New Deal is required; one that offers fast-track EU membership in return for a new... Read More
Balkan competitiveness
Whilst two recently published reports on reform and competitiveness demonstrate progress by several Western Balkan countries, further structural reforms are required to mitigate the impact... Read More
The ninth annual NATO Days in Ostrava
The ninth annual NATO Days in Ostrava attracted a record number of visitors and international participants.
Beijing – the fourth pillar of Serbian foreign policy
A recently signed strategic partnership agreement between Serbia and China means that Beijing is now firmly established as the fourth pillar of Serbian foreign policy.
Clashes in Kosovo
A series of clashes in Kosovo have further exposed EULEX’s perceived and actual shortcomings with respect to its proclaimed status neutrality.
Operation "Joint Endeavour"
The controversy generated by Operation "Joint Endeavour" in the Republika Srpska demonstrates the need for NATO to better articulate the purpose, objectives and benefits of such initiatives.
Protocol for co-operation
The expected signing of a co-operation protocol between
Premature withdrawal
With NATO’s New Secretary General making his first official visit to Kosovo, speculation about possible troop withdrawals ignores the present security challenges.
The politics of regionalisation
Following on the heels of a declaration demanding the "unconditional withdrawal" of the Gendermarie from southern Serbia, ethnic Albanian politicians have called for the establishment of a separate 'Presevo Valley region'.
Politicising future NATO membership
Despite an apparent consensus about Bosnia and Herzegovina's future membership in NATO, the political dynamics of the Republika Srpska augurs both caution and reserve.
Missing out on Europe
The Croatian prime minister's resignation is a symptom of fading hopes for EU membership in the western Balkans.
Precarious Preševo
The second serious incident in the space of a week in the Preševo Valley region of southern Serbia has re-enforced the need for ethnic Albanian politicians to strengthen their involvement in the work of the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja
Simmering tensions in the South
A grenade attack on the Gendarmerie near Bujanovac, in southern Serbia, has exposed the fragility of the region and the need for tangible steps to improve relations between the security infrastructure and the various local communities.
Walking the Kosovo tightrope
With Kosovo's status under debate, the EU's rule-of-law mission must remain neutral if it is to ensure stability in the region.