

Macedonia: erga omnes – dominus?

The Macedonian side should seek clarification and dismissal of the Greek insistence upon erga omnes - ‘towards all’ - since it is invoked without being related to the context and content of the name issue, and is not grounded in any existing framework.

Macedonia – another Bucharest in Chicago?

With the International Court of Justice ruling in December 2011 that Greece had violated the Interim Accord by blocking Macedonia's bid to join NATO in 2008 in Bucharest, will the same scenario be repeated at the forthcoming NATO Summit in Chicago?

More Europe in the Southeast is the answer?

Whilst imploring aspiring members to embrace its own system and values, the EU's selectiveimplementation of standards - depending on the case and context - means that countries of the region, particularly the Republic of Macedonia, should be cautious about accession.
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