Center for Conflict Resolution

Contact Information

  • Where – Uganda (Eastern Africa)
  • Website –
  • Contact Person – Rose Othieno
  • Email –,
  • Address – P.O. Box 5211, Kampala, Uganda
  • Other – Grace Tukaheebwa –

Areas of Expertise

The Center for Conflict Resolution has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

Vision – A society where peace, tolerance and human dignity prevail.There are many conditions that must be fulfilled if the dignity of each and every human being is to be established and maintained. A lot of economic, social, cultural, and political factors are significant. But peace – in the fullest sense of the word – is a prerequisite; and tolerance, based upon mutual understanding, respect, and forbearance, creates the foundation upon which peace may be built.

Mission – to promote a Culture of Peace

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

CECORE commits to work with people, especially – but not only – in areas where conflict is present or peace is threatened, to awaken and develop their awareness that peace is within their grasp; to empower them with the knowledge and skills relevant to their situation; and to facilitate conflict prevention, resolution and transformation. This involves research, training, sensitisation, advocacy and mediation. It requires a profound understanding of the causes of conflict; a readiness to listen, learn, and mould approaches that respond to specific circumstances; and the capacity to deliver services that are relevant, timely, and effective.

Where and with Whom

CECORE has operated in the Karamoja region since 1998 on various peace building projects among communities in Karamoja and with its neighbours. It is also part of the PRDP monitoring group for Karamoja region. Under a UNIFEM funded project for a Gender Responsive PRDP, CECORE represents the Women’s Task Force at the OPM’s Karamoja meetings. It is also on the Peace and Security Committee of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Disarmament programme collaborating with KIDDP. CECORE is currently implementing a Peace and Reconciliation Project in the districts of Moroto and Kotido. The project is aimed at creating harmonious co-existence and sustainable peace among the Karimojong and its neighbours and implementing a preventing inter-community Conflict Project with Uganda.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

CECORE’s programme activities:

  • Training in Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Transformation (CPMRT) and Peace building.
  • ‘Building Bridges’ – creating links between parties in conflict for dialogue and reconciliation;
  • Research, Documentation, and Information dissemination;
  • Networking and Advocacy;
  • Working with and through the media to promote peace-building;
  • Facilitation of CPMRT and peace-building events – conferences, workshops and meetings; and
  • Networking to mainstream Conflict-Sensitivity in Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peace-building work;
  • Awareness raising on the control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW).

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