Central Africa Conflict Prevention Association

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Areas of Expertise

The Central Africa Conflict Prevention Association has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

CACOPA is a non partisan and non-profit organization of professional with multiples skills and experience in providing effective conflict resolution, conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace education, decision making assistance, good governance and dispute resolution consultancy. CACOPA provide services domestically and internationally.CACOPA is dedicated to the promotion of the culture of peace through empowering communities to foster development.

CACOPA’s mission is:

  • To empower civil societies, civil servants, and governments to foster cultures of peace and development in Central Africa.
  • The Central Africa Conflict Prevention Association’s goals and objectives are to foster cultures of peace in Central Africa.

CACOPA’s overall goals are:

  • The promotion of democratic principles and good governance;
  • To influence government policies towards non-violent resolution of conflict and to search for peace by peaceful means in conflict areas:
  • To advocate for Ministries for Peace;
  • The promotion collaboration/coordination among all peace focused agencies and organization as one important means to advance comprehensive regional and national peace approaches.

CACOPA’s specific objectives are:

  • To promote positive peace through engaging to address human rights violations and abuses.
  • To empower communities to hold governments responsible for the delivery of accountable and accessible governance.
  • To provide resources and trainings in peace building, peacemaking and peace keeping.
  • To work to cease the proliferation of small arms.
  • To conduct research on conflict resolution , conflict prevention and peace.
  • To developing peace education programme.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

CACOPA focuses on “consolidating peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo in particular and the Great Lakes region of Africa in general”. One of its core activities will be held in organizing “Peace Committees” as an effective instrument in the implementation of a rigid culture of peace among the Congolese communities and its society in general.To advance this mission, CACOPA’s’ activities/processes promote open community dialogue, non-violent means to resolve disputes, reconciliation, empowering civil society to advocate for good governance, accountability and responsibility through trainings in peacebuilding, peacemaking and peacekeeping. Furthermore, CACOPA proactively advocates and lobbies to cease the proliferation of small arms and other negative factors to democratic principles such as government fraud, corruption and human rights violations and abuses.

The establishment of a Ministry of Peace is the foundation to the promotion of sustainable peace and development and remains the main vision of the organization objectives. CACOPA is a member of the Global Alliance for Departments/Ministries of Peace.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

  • Organising trainings in conflict prevention and conflict transformation, including the Trainers of Trainers (TOT).
  • Lobbying for the establishment of a national Ministry of Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
  • Lobbying for the introduction of peace curricula or programmes at the different levels of education – university, high school, secondary and primary education.
  • Alleviating issues of violence within the Congolese society through educating the grassroots on the basis of conflict management, particularly on available alternative means that help conflicting parties to reach a nonviolent resolution of conflicts. Through peace education possible changes in viewing conflict issues become less violent and contribute into reaching a more peaceful society.

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