Community Action For Integral Development in Fizi

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Areas of Expertise

Community Action For Integral Development in Fizi (ACODIF) has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

Overall goal – “fight against poverty in all its forms”Specific objectives:

  • Fight against food insecurity;
  • Promote new agricultural techniques;
  • Promote education and fight against he sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS;
  • Human Rights – particularly the rights of children and women;
  • Peace and reconciliation.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

The population of the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to suffer the effect and consequences of wars. As such, Community Action For Integral Development in Fizi (ACODIF) trains its members, mostly young men and women, to help people find ways of breaking the cycle of violence in the country. They provide direct conflict resolution between parties in disagreement, as well as Human Rights and Development services.In the town of Swima, ACODIF intervened in a conflict over land between two groups. One group had fled the war, spending 13 years in the refugee camps in Tanzania, finding on their return to Swima themselves pushed off the land they had previously shared with those who stayed. Fighting broke out between the groups, which local authorities were unable to stop. ACODIF first met with local ethnic and religious leaders, in order to take the time to really understand the conflict before making any intervention. Meetings were then held with each group separately, before a final series of meetings in which the conflicting groups were brought together, leading to the two sides agreeing to share the land.

Where and With Whom?

ACODIF works in South Kivu, but will extend its actions into others provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo.ACODIF is a member of RBPC, a network of organisations which work for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

ACODIF’s main activities include:

  • Peace and Reconciliation – teach community leaders methods of reconciliation, work to resolve conflicts peacefully, without using violence or force;
  • Health – fighting against AIDS, campaigning on sexual and reproductive rights;
  • Agriculture – working to intensify sustainable agriculture, through the cultivation of maize and cassava;
  • Education – plan to build a school and trains any orphans on how to write and read;
  • Human rights – sensitizing infant soldiers to go back school instead being enrolled in militia groups, providing legal assistance to raped women and training women and men on gender equality;
  • Environment – two trainings are planned; one on biodiversity protection and another on abusive deforestation of forests.

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