Contact Information
- Where – Afghanistan (Asia)
- Website –
- Contact Person – Arezo Qanih
- Email –
- Address – Kartey Say, Human Rights Street, Second Lane, House Number 232, Kabul, Afghanistan
Areas of Expertise
The Educational and Training Center for Poor Women and Girls of Afghanistan has expertise in a range of areas, including:
Main Aims and Objectives
ECW as a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit welfare organization came into being in the Taliban’s era of ruling the country, where a degrading, depressing and stifling atmosphere was imposed on Afghans. Women and girls were the worst-hit victims whose movements were badly restrained not to mention their deprivation from all basic human rights. To contribute for alleviation of women/girls’ miseries and misfortunes, a group of committed and devoted Afghan women embarked on establishing Educational & Training Center for Poor Women and Girls of Afghanistan (ECW) in October, 1997.
ECW’s establishment was aimed at providing resources to Afghan women and girls to assist their empowerment in terms of economy, independence and social activity. ECW is registered with Ministry of Economy (MoE) of the government of Afghanistan and has the membership of ACBAR, ANCB and AWN coordination bodies.
It was evident that there were a number of priorities after 2002, therefore, ECW expanded its activities to different basic and advance support for women empowerment that includes peace building, advocacy, education, capacity building.
Since its inception ECW works to support the Afghan people through its programs in order to empower them and promote life statues of women. ECW is also committed to expand awareness and advocacy on women’s and children rights.
ECW contributes in the development of an active and thriving civil society in Afghanistan in the following fields:
- Equal rights for men and women;
- Access to resources through training/capacity building, income generation, awareness-raising, peace-building, networking and advocacy services.
ECW provides its services in a transparent, gender sensitive and professional manner to grass-roots, civil society organizations and government.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
ECW aims to contribute to the development of more aware and tolerant society in order to decrease violence and improve tolerance and peace in its intervention areas. Peace and security is the most important issue for Afghanistan. ECW is working in the field for the last five years. It started its peacebuilding activities in 2005 by providing peacebuilding capacity building trainings for religious leaders, community shura and women shuras. ECW has also developed comprehensive manuals on a) conflict analysis, b) conflict resolution and c) peacebuilding.
Where and with Whom?
ECW is working in Afghanistan in 15 provinces covering the Central, North, Northeast and East zone of the country. ECW’s main office is located in Kabul, and it works in Kunduz, Takha, Baghlan, Badakshan, Jawzjan, Faryab, Nangarhar, Kunar, Laghman, Logar, Bamyan and Daikondy province.
ECW works with local Shuras, communities, high-school and university students, civil society organizations and women activists.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
ECW aims to contribute in the development of more aware and tolerant society in order to decrease the violence and conflicts and improve tolerance and peace in its intervention areas. Peace and security is the most important issue facing Afghanistan, and ECW is working in this field for the past five years.ECW works three sectors:
- Conflict analysis;
- Conflict resolution
- Peacebuilding.
ECW’s peacebuilding has participated in the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) program and is trying to expand awareness about AVP among communities.
ECW implements awareness raising, advocacy and access to justice projects and trains community members, religious leaders, teachers, students, village elders and civil society’s members through trainings, workshops and conferences in its focused areas. The goal of these activities is to increase the awareness of wo/men, religious and community leaders, and institution on concepts of women’s rights in Islam, Afghanistan constitution and awareness on human rights in its intervention areas to contribute in developing a more aware community, decrease violation against women, gender mainstreaming and community access to justice in the country.
ECW is committed to raising awareness at the grass root level through training and face-to-face sessions on election, democracy, women’s rights and education for the illiterate individuals to participate to the national election process and also build their literacy level to enable the illiterate people to read, write and conduct basic mathematic calculations.
ECW is committed to optimally developing the training and capacity building capability of the ECW and the local Civil Society Organizations through training workshops and technical assistance in its intervention areas. Training and Development activities are very important for the consistent and rapid growth of the organizations and institutions. ECW believe that if our institution will be strong, it will help us in developing a concrete base for our continuous and rapid development. From the very beginning ECW is trying to build its capacity to transfer its knowledge and expertise to other institutions, CSOs and GOs through professional and experienced trainers.
ECW is committed to bring change in economical status of women through providing training capacity building workshops for women and men. ECW aims to enable the target group of the strategy to be economically productive and provide the opportunity for skill learning and liking the skilled individuals with market and demand in its intervention areas.
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