ProDiálogo Transformación y Resolución de Conflictos

Contact Information

  • Where – Peru
  • Website –
  • Contact Person – Marcos Favero
  • Email –
  • Address – Jr. Chiclayo 608, Miraflores, Lima

Areas of Expertise

ProDiálogo Transformación y Resolución de Conflictos has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

The main purpose of ProDiálogo is to promote a culture of transformative dialogue in the society, interiorized as both value and practice, reflecting in the approaches to problems and conflicts and proportionating a path towards a sustainable development and peace building.

In order to achieve that, ProDiálogo aims to promote capacities and dialogue processes, trying to act in social conflicts in the individual, relational, cultural and structural level.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

ProDiálogo believes conflict is inherent to humanity, but not violence or destructivity. ProDiálogo’s work is based on the assumption that conflict can be used as a force for change, it can be transformed from destructive to constructive, and its energy can be channelled into social change and sustainable development.

In order to achieve that, ProDiálogo’s work is based in the role of an impartial third party, promoting multiactor dialogue processes, connecting parties, capacitating conflict actors, building a transformative dialogue – one that is genuine, multiactor, sustainable and intercultural.

Where and with Whom

ProDiálogo works in Peru, but is currently opening an office in Brazil. ProDiálogo’s actions in Peru covers the whole territory, and works with government entities, the private sector (especially the extractive industry), and the civil society (both communities and NGOs).

ProDiálogo is engaged in the field of education with postgraduate courses and workshops about conflict transformation and sustainable development, in partnership with two of the main universities of Lima, the Universidad Pacifico and the Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.

Concerning Conflict Transformation and Transformative Dialogue, ProDiálogo acts mainly in the field of social environmental conflicts, working with extractive industries and companies, peasants’ communities and local governments, always assuming a role of third party.

ProDiálogo has also been working with NGOs inside the sustainable development scope, and also some that operate in the field of art, helping to build and spread a culture of peace.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

One of ProDiálogo’s main activities is in the design and/or facilitation of Transformative Dialogue Processes, helping parties in conflict to overcome their dispute and to create social development. Also, ProDiálogo offers support for monitoring and evaluation of the process.

Moreover, ProDiálogo acts to capacitate conflict actors in subjects as conflict analysis tools, constructive negotiation and transformative dialogue process. In that way, the actors involved in the conflict are empowered to transform it, besides developing empathy and self-awareness.

Additionally, ProDiálogo has its Observatory of Social Conflicts in Peru, where some chosen social environmental conflicts in the country are analysed in deep, its actors, processes and contradictions, as well as a monitoring of the conflict’s escalation or de-escalation, allowing strategic intervention and early warning.

Concerning the cultural aspect of conflicts and peace, the organization supports and foments initiatives in cultural NGOs that work with art, in a way to promote a culture of peace through artistic interventions and through art itself.

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