Models of Unity

Contact Information

  • Where – USA
  • Website –
  • Contact Person – Zarrin Caldwell
  • Email –
  • Address – 6913 Deer Pasture Dr., Columbia, MD 21045

Areas of Expertise

Models of Unity has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

“Models of Unity” is an inspirational website designed to showcase those initiatives that are working to bring people together across divides of race, ethnicity, and religion in ways that benefit the spiritual, social, and/or economic life of their communities.Featuring easy-to-read case studies based on clear criteria, the site highlights grassroots efforts that have been sustainable, that are making a measurable difference, and that offer helpful “lessons learned” about ways to work together in an increasingly connected, globalized, multiethnic, and multireligious world.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

The aim of the site is to focus on what is working (vs. on what is not working) and to draw lessons from this for transformational peacebuilding. The site, however, does not feature training programs and short-term solutions, but, rather, features where people have been working together across divides for a number of years and, so, transform their communities.

Where and with whom?

Models of Unity has a global orientation, with case studies and insights from a variety of settings.

Main activities in the field of conflict transformation

Models of Unity focuses on raising awareness about the field of conflict transformation and the work of peacebuilders.

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