

The dance of intimate enemies

Settlements in Bosnia and Kosovo (the former is no more “settled” than the latter) are possible only if local contestants — who know each other so well — expel international mavens from their discussions and take each other on directly.

Ples intimnih neprijatelja

Rešenja u Bosni i na Kosovu (prvi slučaj nije ništa više "rešen" u odnosu na potonji) su moguća samo ukoliko lokalni suprostavljeni akteri - koji se uzajamno jako dobro poznaju - iz svojih diskusija izbace međunarodne stručnjake i direktno se upuste u diskusiju jedni sa drugima.

Kosovo – still a mess

With Kosovo still a mess, it remains to be seen whether the Quint will push Pristina to accept necessary compromises and whether EULEX will move to prevent a resumption of Pristina's provocations on the ground.

Kosovo – još uvek u haosu

Dok je Kosovo još uvek u haosu, tek će se videti da li će Kvinta pritisnuti Prištinu na prihvatanje neophodnih kompromisa i da li će EULEX učiniti išta da spreči ponovne provokacije Prištine na terenu.

Kosovo – shoes, walls, land and tables

As part of 'Mediation through Monasteries in Kosovo', TransConflict is pleased to present a short film, entitled 'Shoes, walls, land and tables', which documents the visit by Reverend Donald Reeves to the Monasteries of Peć and Dečani in Kosovo.

A dark cloud hangs over Kosovo

The Council of Europe has both the opportunity and obligation to provide much-needed momentum to an international investigation into the serious allegations made by Dick Marty against Hashim Thaci and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Kosovo – what a mess

Given the spate of bad news emerging from Kosovo in recent weeks, the only way forward is for the international community to again attempt to achieve a political solution, this time with Belgrade directly.

Kosovo – kakav nered

Imajući u vidu bujicu loših vesti koje tokom poslednjih nedelja pristižu sa Kosova, jedini put napred je ponovni pokušaj međunarodne zajednice da ostvari političko rešenje, ovoga puta direktno sa Beogradom.

Kosovo – alternativna rešenja za sever

Iako je na severu Kosova u poslednje vreme bilo relativno mirno, sa iznimkom nekoliko manjih incidenata, prisutna je sumnja da se ova situacija može održati bez daljiih sputavanja i mogućeg političkog rešenja zasnovanog na jednom od dve alternative - specijalnoj autonomiji za sever ili podeli.

Kosovo chooses its future course

The outcome of Kosovo's first general elections since declaring independence will be key to determining Pristina’s willingness to engage constructively in forthcoming talks with Serbia.

Serbia's Sandzak at odds with Belgrade

Calls for greater autonomy for Sandzak - particularly by the head of the Islamic Community in Serbia, Mufti Muamer Zukorlic - continue to place Serbia's predominantly Bosniak south-west corner at odds with Belgrade.

New Serbia, new NATO

TransConflict Serbia, in conjunction with the Forum for Ethnic Relations and Klub 21, organized a conference, entitled ‘New Serbia, new NATO – Future Vision for the 21st Century’, on 3rd and 4th December, 2010.

Kosovo – the alternatives for the North

Though northern Kosovo has been relatively calm of late, albeit with a series of minor incidents, it is doubtful that this situation can persist without continued restraint and an eventual political solution based upon one of two alternatives  - special autonomy for the north or partition.

EU accession and peacebuilding

Extracts from a report on a recent seminar, entitled ‘EU accession and peacebuilding’, organized by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), which took place in Belgrade on 28-29th September 2010.
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