Congratulations, Kosovo
Self-congratulatory remarks by the International Civilian Representative for Kosovo juxtaposes oddly with demonstrations on both the Serbian and Kosovar Albanian sides that underscore that the situation is anything but normal.
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By David B. Kanin
The substance of Pieter Feith’s comments last week is unimportant. The attitude they represent matters more. Kosovo now has been promised the chance of being declared “normal” by its erstwhile international supervisors. Speaking for the 25-nation International Steering Group (USG), Mr. Feith, the International Civilian Representative for Kosovo (ICR) said the new state has made such progress that an end of the ISG-monitored “supervised independence”(is that not an oxymoron?) should be possible by the end of 2012. The ICR solemnly declared that this happy event will “normalize Kosovo as a normal European state.” (Agence France Press, 24 January).
In the spirit of so many previous generations of Western imperial, mandatory, or trustee officials with vice-regal powers, the ICR awarded himself and his group credit for this happy event. “Together with my colleagues, we have given the young state of Kosovo…a start in life. We have established the institutions and now, from the end of the year, Kosovo will be like any other European state.” (Emphasis mine) The ICR lay before Kosovo the prospect of coming closer to the European Union if it can build on its supervisors’ gifts, develop domestic institutions and serve as a stable, reliable partner in the region.
There exists an academic literature on the topic of how West Europeans since the Enlightenment have rationalized their self-asserted hegemony by relegating the status of whatever others they claim to supervise to rungs on an invented, asserted developmental ladder well below the exalted position of the civilized supervisors. (Larry Wolff and Marco Cipolloni are two leading contemporary thinkers in the field.) The ICR’s condescending rhetoric falls well within the universe of this scholarship and the pattern established by representatives of the Powers since the days of the 19th Century Concert of Europe. The Council of Europe’s latest lecture to Bosnia falls in the same category.
Kosovo, however, is something of an anomaly. The ICR’s insistence on repeating versions of the word “normal” underscores the point that the state/province is anything but. It is one thing when all the Great Powers agree for a while on the diplomatic status, borders, government, and other aspects of a place on which they have imposed their writ. It is another when this is not the case. The usual rhetorical hyperbole does not wash when it serves ironically to underscore the contingency of an untenable status quo that satisfies no contestant.
I already have posted a comment on the shoddy US-led diplomacy that created the current diplomatic situation. In this context, the ICR’s strange self-congratulations juxtaposes oddly with demonstrations on both the Serbian and Kosovar Albanian sides that underscore that the situation is anything but normal. Washington’s failure to engineer an internationally agreed-upon replacement to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and decision to impose a unilaterally declared Kosovar state created a fragile, highly contested condition. The continuing legal existence of the security annexes to 1244 gives Serbia a viable legal reed to rest on; the fact that 85 countries have recognized the state of Kosova despite 1244 puts boundaries on the reach of that resolution but does not give the new state more than partial international status. This situation satisfies no one and so cannot constitute be a “final” status.
Therefore, neither Boris Tadic’s latest proposal, nor the Ahtisaari Plan it is drawn from, will lead to a lasting solution to the Kosova/o imbroglio. Tadic knows this; his rhetorical posture is meant simply to attract the positive international attention he needs to gain the brass ring of EU candidate status, the key to his hope for an electoral victory this spring. (When you read “Ahtisaari,” think “Invincible,” or “Vance-Owen.”)
The two protagonists are looking in opposite directions. Those Serbs who cling to dreams of Kosovo gaze back to a largely invented past which involves the province as the heart of their identity. Never mind that Serbs were on both sides in 1389, or that they have been leaving the place in large numbers at least since least the trek of the Vojvods at the end of the 17th century. Forget that Kosovo and the modern Serbian were joined only from 1913 until 1999. Tito’s territorial adjustments also can be conveniently forgotten.
More important, those Serbs seeking to re-impose themselves on a hugely Albanian place ignore (or excoriate) the many co-nationals living south of the Ibar who are adapting themselves to the reality of being a permanent minority in a foreign country. It is easy for the heroes in the north to sing the old songs, throw rocks at and build roadblocks against ineffectual EU “rule of law” mavens and their KFOR protectors, and thumb their noses at a government in Belgrade they nevertheless rely on. These public performances do nothing for the much more numerous Serbs living from day to day in Kosova.
As the ICR praised his performance, his ISG demanded that Serbia stop “interfering” and withdraw its clandestine security forces from Kosovo. (Reuters, January 24) The ICR warned that the process of ending supervised independence should not be held hostage by the nasty things he said “continue to dominate the situation” in the north. Good luck with that.
In contrast, the Kosovars are wrestling with a very fluid future. Development of the nascent Kosovar state is part of the central question in the southern Balkans: into how many states and under what political context will Albanians organize themselves? The current status quo reflects temporal limnality – the eventual relationship among Albanians in Albania, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro, and the rump of Serbia remains an open question no matter Western rhetoric. This context of contingency would not disappear even in the unlikely event that all these counties join the EU suddenly and soon. The only constant – the communal and material heartbeat of the Balkans – is and will be the business done across the lines by patronage networks on all sides.
The recent demonstrations by Serbs living in the municipalities still making up a Serbian Kosovo and by Albin Kurti and Vetevendosja should be seen in this context. The anger from both groups represent a combination of opportunity and fear in a situation where everyone knows someone eventually is going to force or negotiate another new “final” status. Peoples in the Balkans have seen this before (often within a relatively short time after the supervising Power of the day has declared the extant political snapshot to be a permanent condition). The Mayors in the north and those Kosovar Albanians desiring more than the sort-of state they now have are not marginal actors; they represent the larger knowledge that – one way or another – things are going to change. Any citizens of the notional state of Bosnia paying attention to events farther south in the former Federation know the feeling.
While Kosovo’s Serbian mayors are attempting to restore a constructed past, Albin Kurti is a little ahead of himself. Vetevendosje’s effort to stop – even temporarily – the import of goods from Serbia into Kosova had to fail. It ignored both Kosova’s continued dependence on transportation routes going through the rump of Serbia and the likelihood that many Kosovars – like many in Serbia – do not wake up every day eager to fight. Kurti overhyped his plans. His actions were easily brushed aside. The international overseers have no clue how to resolve Balkan disputes, but they do have the muscle to deal with direct kinetic challenges.
There will be further international lectures and local demonstrations. States and their foreign supervisors will churn out elections and constitutions. None will matter much. Patronage networks (some are called “political parties”) will dole out the jobs and other forms of subsistence far more important to most peoples’ everyday lives. The resulting inertia will reinforce cynicism in the region and frustration outside it. The danger in this is that all of us are likely to be distracted by the minutiae this throws up and could be surprised when conditions or talented political entrepreneurs produce the next big change.
David B. Kanin is an adjunct professor of international relations at Johns Hopkins University and a former senior intelligence analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
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There are some People who say that Serbia should normalize Relations with Kosovo, but these People may not want to normalize Relations with Serbia.
I am referring to the Kumanovo Agreement, because for as long as the Kumanovo Agreement exists, there can be no normalization Kosovo toward Serbia, or America and the European Union toward Serbia.
Legal Academics have argued that the Kumanovo Agreement is Illegal under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and, as a consequence, so too are parts of United Nation Security Council Resolution 1244 referring, implicitly or explicitly, to paragraph 10 of Annex 2 of the same United Nation Security Council Resolution 1244.
The Kumanovo Agreement is not valid according to Article 52 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which says; “A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.
I think that there should not be any further compliance with European Union wishes, until the Kumanovo Agreement is totally dissolved, given the Fact that Serbia cannot recognize Kosovo, because of its current Constitution.
America and others need to be asked for just how long do they want to Kumanovo Agreement, seeing as it proves beyond any doubt that certain Countries have not normalized Relations with Serbia.
Despite the fact that your analysis is rather long winded and interspersed with pretentious vocabulary, and given that your former employers ie the US state is largely responsible for the stalemate, what do you suggest as a viable solution?
You would agree I take it that the Americans have been disingenuous from the outset, determined on a maximalist outcome for their Albanian proteges. The approach thus far has been let’s humiliate the Serbs as much as possible, and offer them nothing by way of a fair solution.
Until your government realises that bullying the Serbs into submission is no longer an option, and that applies to the Bosnian Serbs too by the way, there will never be lasting peace in that part of the world.
Being on the ground I can assure that outside small international circles, M. Feith is perceived as a very minor and irrelevant person.
Ordinary Albanians don’t even know who he is and what is his role, as for the local authorities they despise and hardly consult him. For Serbs he is simply a nobody, non existent…
His attitude and remarks are just typical of the arrogance of many internationals employed by such agencies. We have there a strip poker dance from a naked individual in a shady second class casino bar, with no audience to applaud.
M. Feith is hardly supervising anything, Kosovo is bankrupt and not managed by local clans with no vision. EULEX has proven unable to exercise its powers and mandate in a decisive manner. It’s events on the ground which command the situation and dictate the tempo.
Peter Feith is the right man for this task because he is simply doing so little.
I do not consider myself to be deluded, but I reserve the right to be deluded if I want to, even though I cannot think of any reason to want to be deluded.
I know that there are others who want the Serbian People to be deluded, and they attempt this with their lies.
It is no delusion that there can be no normalization of South Kosovo toward Serbia, or America and the European Union toward Serbia, Kumanovo Agreement, because for as long as the Kumanovo Agreement exists, because this does not happen in any neighbouring Countries in the World who have Normal Relations.
The Serbia and South Kosovo talks should concentrate on how to scrap the Kumanovo Agreement, because there can be no Normalizing of Relations under these Conditions as has already been proven.
In any Society, there are differing views, and I think that Serbia has never imposed its will on Kosovo more than what was Normal for any country to impose its will on its own Territory, and therefore I cannot see Serbia imposing its will on Albanians again, because it never did it in the first place, but there could be a first time for some things, even in Kosovo if, and only if the United Nations Security Council approves of it; yet the Albanians what to impose their will on the Serbs.
I will discuss any Conspiracy Facts that I know of, and that I need to discuss until the Albanians of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo have accepted Negotiated Autonomy, as the other conspiracy facts, as interesting and important as they are, are not relevant to this News Item.
For the Albanians of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, who Present Themselves as the Saviour of Civilization, as Humanitarian, as Caring, as Compassionate, and as European; then, here is the Perfect Opportunity to accept that a Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo Albanians is the way to prove this to themselves, and to prove it to others.
At the recent America and Helsinki Commission in Washington, it was stated that All Western Balkan Countries should become Members of the European Union and NATO, and that America should continue to offer support to this process, and that the NATO can have an important role in the region’s transition.
America stated that all regional Countries should join the European Union and NATO, but that Serbia’s accession to the European Union and NATO must not be approved before Kosovo’s, because Serbia might block Kosovo from joining NATO.
The Albanians of the Balkans want other parts of Serbia from joining NATO, and if Serbia is a NATO member, then NATO cannot help the Albanians steal More Land.
If America and Company think that Serbia and Kosovo will join the European Union, then they will do it as one Country, or not at all.
This is because Kosovo will never join the European Union as there are Several Vetoes on that, and that means that Serbia will never join the European Union under those conditions.
Serbia realizes that the division of Kosovo is not practical, even if it were Constitutional, because it will not bring NATO’s peace to the Region.
America said that the entire region has made great progress since 2000, and that it would be wrong now to hinder Serbia’s European Union integration progress.
Its very interesting how some from Serbia are contradictory and non consistent. Quickly “forgot” a very criminal past of the state of Serbia and now accusing the others who “humiliate” Serbia. Needless to say how ridiculous is such view. In fact nobody is humiliating Serbia but rather tolerating too much its behavior. Much larger states weren’t tolerated in such way i.e Austro-Hungarian empire or Germany. Even Serbia had a huge benefit from collapse of Austro-Hungarian empire, taking whole Vojvodina or a territory as much as Holland.
Now instead of reality approach some in Serbia would definitely destroy their country trying to defend something they don’t have – Kosovo. One could believe that after ICJ opinion there would be realistic approach for Kosovo but hard minded people don’t look at reality. This kind of Monty Python approach as filmmaker Mr. Lazar Stojanovic would say, will destroy Serbia. What is problem here is that they can’t blame Kosovo or the others for their attitude.
For those who deal with Kumanovo Agreement and so on. Fist of all it’s not important at all what individuals say. Second, Serbia can’t get back into Kosovo because of 2 reasons:
1. UN SC resolution 1244 (paragraph 9) is VERY CLEAR on the prevention of return of Serbian military in Kosovo. Those “few hundreds” can be returned ONLY when NATO permits them in Kosova and that means never. So as long as UN SC resolution 1244 is in force, Serbia can’t attack Kosovo. Needless to mention resistance of Kosovo people on such scenario.
2. Political aspect i also unfavorable for Serbia because Pristina consent is required. All people with IQ>0 know that this will never happen or at least in few generations.
Its quite clear that being modern Don Quixote makes the person not just ridiculous one but also dangerous for his/her own people.
After the Vienna meeting, Feith repeated his unfortunate and inaccurate characterization of the northern rejection of Kosovo independence as due to “criminals” and “radicals.” He reportedly said that a “climate of harassment, of intimidation and even of violence… continues to dominate the situation” in the north. He added that the “whole process of ending supervised independence and the future of Kosovo as a modern multiethnic democracy should not be held hostage by leaders in the north who have a different agenda.” Feith and his ICO have been moribund in the south and treated the north as enemies. Not much to be congratulated on.
Actually Mr. Faith did say the truth. “Mayors” in the north are in fact criminals who do cooperate with fascist groups in Serbia like “Movement 1389”. This criminal group which “would fight to the death” against “occupators” found shelter from “Mayors” in the north and it was presented in public from Serbian media. Other criminals like Zvonko Veselinovic and his brother are captured in Serbia and accused for many things.
Serbs in the north of Kosova are not enemies of Kosovo but subject of huge propaganda. Serbs in the north of Kosova have their wishes and everybody knows that. They are not special however. Everybody in the planet Earth has wishes or wants. Wanting something is not bad but there are constraints in certain cases. Maybe Albanians in south of Serbia want to be part of Kosovo or Bosniacs from Sandjak part of Bosnia or have independent state, then Hungarians in Vojvodina (perhaps want to be part of Hungaria rather than Serbia), Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina want to be part of Serbia, Albanians in Macedonia (want to be part of Kosovo or Albania), Serbs in Croatia (wanted to be part of Serbia), Croats from Bosina and Herzegovona also maybe want to be part of Croatia an the list will not end.
I should remind that Serbs in southern part of Kosovo also rejected Kosovo institutions and indeed they had more reasons not to do so but accepted reality and participated in Kosovo elections. Serbs in the north of Kosova have much less reasons to not participate in Kosovo society. Serbs in the north of Kosovo do not participate in Kosovo society because they are supported to do so. Certainly this is not a matter of human rights or rights at all because they have offer of autonomy never seen for such small group. For example Albanians in Macedonia would be more than happy to have half of rights that are offered for Serbs in the north of Kosova.
@Diza Kosovar
I don’t intend to get involved in another tiresome slanging match with you. The very essence of your commentary is pathological hostility towards the Serbian perspective. Your rants ooze animosity and hatred. There’s no point rehashing how you speak Serbian and have many Serbian friends in Pristina, like the guy who hates black people but always reminds you how he has black friends, (frankly I didn’t know there were any Serbs left in Pristina, but I suppose that’s my deluded propaganda and ignorance again!)and your astonishing grasp of international law and the ICJ. You’ve got nothing affirmative or conciliatory to say. You talk of Serbia’s ‘criminal’ past, but you have no vision for the future or for your people other than Albanian supremacy. And by the way sunshine I’m not from Serbia I was born in the UK.
You’r totally wrong. You simply don’t understand the points. Kosovo people have the most affirmative approach to Serbian community. Kosovo has given to them such level of autonomy and rights that other minorities in the planet Earth just can dream.
Imagine such situation when a Serbain from Kosova can have a seat in Kosovo Assembly just because he is Serbian and can be elected with ONE SINGLE VOTE. Yes, that’s true. Of course if other Serbs don’t participate. In other side, Albanians have to “fight” for votes and need at least 6000-7000 votes to get in. So Serbs in Kosovo have deputy prime minister, they have two ministers in government of Kosova and dozens of deputy ministers. Serbs in Kosovo have 10 reserved seats in Assembly of Kosova out of 120 plus seats that may win from elections. Serbian language is official language at Kosovo level. Serbs in Kosovo have rights to establish municipality with just 5000 inhabitants and be more powerful than Kosovo capital Pristina. For example municipalities in the north can control University and hospitals while in Pristina these can bi exclusively under control of central government.
The list is much larger of course. Problem is that regardless of given rights there are always complaints.
I don’t know why you have impression that somebody hates Serbs or has any hostile approach to them? Giving and appreciating such rights for them is neither hostile nor hatred. Only a few in Kosovo have objections on such situation. I feel really sorry that you are under influence of bad propaganda. You say that I talk for criminal past of Serbia and don’t present any perspectives! That’s not true. Kosovo is independent state regardless on whether you like it or not. Kosovo is going to give to Serbs perspective and positive discrimination (discriminating Albanians) as a way forward. This is not right for Albanians but Albanians accepted such way of going ahead.
I am repeating again absurdity we hear about situation in the north. Yet I never saw a SINGLE reason why Serbs in the north of Kosova should have more rights then those in the south?
This comment corrects some of the ambiguities that I wrote in my other comment, and I only deal with the ambiguities in order to clarify the matter.
At the recent America and Helsinki Commission in Washington, it was stated that all Western Balkan Countries should become Members of the European Union and NATO, and that America should continue to offer support to this process, and that the NATO can have an important role in the region’s transition.
America stated that all regional Countries should join the European Union and NATO, but that Serbia’s accession to the European Union and NATO must not be approved before Kosovo’s ascension to NATO and the European Union, because Serbia might block Kosovo from joining NATO or the European Union or both.
The Albanians of the Balkans want other parts of Serbia for joining NATO, so as not to Veto NATO, until there is a Greater Mono Ethnic Albania in order to prove once again the Centuries long held Truth of the Fraud of Europeanism, except among the few Deluded ones that pass off as some type of Intellectuals, but who the ordinary People who have more common sense know are just Fools.
The Albanians know that if Serbia is a NATO member, then NATO cannot help the Albanians steal More Land in order to make it a Greater Mono Ethnic Albania, but Serbia does not want to join NATO, as the Partnership for Peace with NATO is more than sufficient.
What this means is that Albania or Germany will Veto Serbia from becoming a NATO Member until Serbia is basically just Belgrade.
If America and Company think that Serbia and Kosovo will join the European Union, then they will do it as one Country, or not at all.
This is because Kosovo will never join the European Union as there are Several Vetoes on that, and that means that if Kosovo must join the European Union, then these few Decent European Union will Veto Serbia from joining the European Union under those conditions.
Serbia realizes that the division of Kosovo is not practical, even if it were Constitutional, because it will not bring peace, even NATO’s phoney peace to the Region or to Europe.
America said that the entire region has made great progress since 2000, and that it now would be wrong to hinder Serbia’s European Union integration progress.
For the Albanians of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, who Present Themselves as the Saviour of Civilization, as Humanitarian, as Caring, as Compassionate, and as especially as European; then, here is their Perfect Opportunity to accept that a Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo Albanians is the way to prove this to themselves, and to prove it to others.
Most Albanians know why all Non-Albanians, especially the why the Serbs know that People hates Serbs, and this is because of the Lies and Malicious Slander against Serbs, and the unwarranted hostile approach to them.
There are no other reasons than that they are Non-Albanian, and they and they own Land that Albanians want to steal, and because the Serbs will not give away their Land.
If the Serbs should give away their Land, then the Serbs will be hatred for being Non-Albanian, and this is one reason why True Serbs will never give away their Land.
Anyone who Deliberately and Repeatedly Maliciously Slanders anyone, hate them even though that hatred is not Confessed by the Liar and Slander for the Obvious Reason.
It is not possible for any sane Person to Deliberately and Repeatedly Lie and Slander a Person or a Nations unless they hate them, and that is a Fact.
Saying bad things against someone is not Slander if it is based on Facts, and to say that the Hitler and his Nazis were Evil is not lying or maliciously slandering, but it is stating a Fact.
The Serbs in the South of Kosovo are lucky to have the right not to be murdered or imprisoned on false charges, and this is only because NATO is there, and there are Many Albanians who will not present a even one reason why the Serbs in North Kosovo should have more rights then those in South Kosovo.
I think that the Serbs need to ask the Albanians why they hate them, and not to let go until an honest answer is given, or until the Albanians reluctantly and grudgingly accept Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo as Serbian Citizens, and America and Germany should be asked the same question using the same method, until they revoke their support for Kosovo’s independence, and to do this in a Fully European Publicized manner.
The Albanians will not confess to hating Non-Albanians, but if anyone saw the Facts of Kosovo, then they would know that the Albanians are lying.
The Albanians will say that it was because Albanians were killed in a war that Albanians started with the help and permission of American led NATO.
The Real Reason for the start of that Kosovo War was Attempted Land Theft that was passed off as a humanitarian mission, because Slobodan Milosevic did not consent to give up Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, and so America and NATO were going to try their best to steal Kosovo.
The war was a long time ago, and so if the Albanians hate Serbs, then Kosovo is not ready for independence until the Albanians acknowledge their share of the guilt, or if they are as pure as they claim, then Serbia will wait patiently until they are forgiven by the Albanians of Albania, Montenegro, FYROM, Greece, and of course their own Country of Albania.
Once that forgiveness is forthcoming, then the Albanians will accept a Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo as Serbian Citizens, and possibly as dual Citizens of Serbia and Albania.
The Serbs in the South of Kosovo are lucky if they are not murdered or imprisoned on false charges, and this is only because NATO is there, but if Serbia ever recognized Kosovo, then Kosovo would become Mono Ethnic Albanian, and there are Many Albanians who will not present a even one reason why the Serbs in North Kosovo should have more rights then those in South Kosovo, because Human Rights for Non-Albanians is something that Many Albanians are extremely hostile to; however, for the Obvious Reasons Albanians will not Confess to that.
My opinion can easily be based on Mr. Kanin’s article, especially Para 10 & 11, and Clément’s blog article at
I think that the key for “another new final status” is neither in the hands of “Northern Kosovo Majors” nor in Belgrade or Pristine. We are all deceived to look for the key in the places where the international spotlights are the strongest. The truth is, that we all very well know who the bosses are and that the key is in the hands of the US and the Quint. They will say when the whole thing is ended (i.e. like in Iraq and Afghanistan) despite the real problems left on the ground. If Pieter Feith says that the job is done – the job is done. Being an ordinary clerk, like Clément said, he would not be so stupid to endanger his position and future career to say something that represents his own “independent thinking” without an approval from his bosses [at least 2 levels up ;)] unless Albanians has secured his retirement.
Oh, the key! One thing is for sure, the keys are not for the bordered spaces (read states), rooms or any other kinds of boxes. The keys are for the people. Thus, the magic key for Kosovo does not exist. Instead, the key we should look for is for the Albanians and the problems they are causing in the whole Balkans. Other fact is, to rephrase Mr. Kanin, the key of “supervising Power of the day” declaring the extant political snapshot to be a permanent condition, peoples in the Balkans have seen before and unfortunately has ever never solved this problem. Another misfortune is that I do not see today’s Power of the day’s politicians more clever than those in the past (i.e. compare Obama, Merkel, Sarcozy and Cameron vs. Roosevelt, Stalin, de Gaulle and Churchill). Hence, the Balkans will stay for a long time one of the most miserable places on Earth like it was always before.
The European Union says that Serbia must give the Kosovo Albanians something to be represented as, and Tadic and Company do not want Kosovo represented under United Nations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, neither do they want North Kosovo to hold their Referendum.
This is because Tadic and his fellow Traitors, America, and the European Union want Serbia to recognize Kosovo, so that Kosovo can join NATO, and then they will take over the North because these Traitors do not want the Referendums to prevent being brutalized and murdered and driven from their homes and land, because Tadic and Company can have their Mega Million Bribes.
I think that Serbia’s Territory of South Kosovo that is administered by the United Nations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 is a good name, and if the Albanians will not accept it, then these Criminals and Terrorists do not need to be at the same forums and gatherings as Serbia, and if anyone does not like it, then Serbia should just quietly and discreetly tell them to piss off, but it should be done as politely as possible so as not to cause any offence.
I think that Serbia should say that the Designated Albanian Areas of South Kosovo will be represented as not a Country, but as Autonomous Albanian Areas, that are part of the Serbia.
They can go but the term DAASK, or Designated Albanian Areas of South Kosovo, and North Kosovo will join Serbia in every way, while the Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo or SDASK will be represented by Serbia’s Ministry of Kosovo in Belgrade, that will have regional Offices in Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo.
Kosovo will continue to have the same map so that South Kosovo will never be a Country, unless it is mutually agreed to one day for 60 Billion Euros that Russia would buy for Turkey for the gas deal, but Russia prefers to Bribe Tadic and Company who are three faced and accept German and American Bribes on top to give South Kosovo away for free, or for the ‘privilege’ of joining the Fourth Reich so that the Serbs realize they need a Russian Military Base in Serbia.
This updated comment is a compilation of the main points, and it clears up ambiguities and it provides new information.
At the recent America and Helsinki Commission in Washington, America stated that all Western Balkan Countries should become Members of the European Union and NATO, and that America should continue to offer support to this process, and that the NATO can have an important role in the region’s transition.
We all know that the Cunning Bully, America, uses Euphemisms like Support, Process, Important Role, NATO and Transition.
It is exactly like Hitler saying that all Western Balkan Countries should become Members of the Third Reich and form Waffen SS Divisions, and that Germany should continue to offer support to this process, and that the German Military can have an important role in the region’s transition.
America stated that all regional Countries should join the European Union and NATO, but that Serbia’s accession to the European Union and NATO must not be approved before Kosovo’s ascension to NATO and the European Union, because Serbia might block Kosovo from joining NATO, or the European Union, or both.
The Albanians of the Balkans want other parts of Serbia as their price for joining NATO, and as their price for not Vetoing NATO, but only until there is a Greater Mono Ethnic Albania in order to prove once again the Centuries long held Truth of the Fraud of Europeanism, except among the few Deluded ones that pass off as some type of Intellectuals, but who the ordinary People, who have more common sense know that they are mere Fools.
The Albanians know that if Serbia is a NATO member, then NATO cannot help the Albanians steal More Land in order to make it a Greater Mono Ethnic Albania even larger, but Serbia does not want to join NATO, as the Partnership for Peace with NATO is more than sufficient.
What this means is that Albania or Germany will Veto Serbia from becoming a NATO Member until Serbia is basically just Belgrade.
We know that it was only the Integrity of the SPS that saved Vojvodina from becoming a State within a State ready for Independence from the Tadic and his fellow Traitors.
We need to know that if this basically Independence is what constitutes Autonomy for Vojvodina, then, what would the More than Autonomy promised to Kosovo be, that Jeremic was be except Independence.
If America and Company think that Serbia and Kosovo will join the European Union, then they will do it as one Country, or not at all.
Serbia realizes that the division of Kosovo is not practical, even if it were Constitutional, because it will not bring peace, not even NATO’s phoney peace to the Region or to Europe.
America said that the entire region has made great progress since 2000, and that it now would be wrong to hinder Serbia’s European Union integration progress, but Tadic and Company know that this can only happen by recognizing Kosovo, but then even the Serbia will not join the European Union.
This is because the People do not want it, and not because America could Bribe some European Union Politicians to Veto Serbia with some clever or even dull excuse in these Economically Challenging Times, because America wants Russia to build a Military Base in Serbia to offset the Coming Fourth Reich.
Most Albanians know why the Serbs know that Albanians hate Serbs, and this is because of the Lies and Malicious Slander against Serbs, by Albanians, and the unwarranted hostile approach to them.
There are no other reasons than that they are Non-Albanian, and that the Serbs own Land that Albanians want to steal, and because the Serbs will not give away their Land.
If the Serbs should give away their Land, then the Serbs will be continued to be hated for being Non-Albanian, and this is one reason why True Serbs will never give away their Land.
Anyone who Deliberately and Repeatedly Maliciously Slanders anyone, hates that Person even though that hatred is not Confessed by the Liar and Malicious Slander for the Obvious Reasons.
It is not possible for any sane Person to Deliberately and Repeatedly Lie and Maliciously Slander a Person or a Nations unless they hate them, and that is a Fact.
If a Person does not have a reason for why they believe anything, why they do anything, and why they think and behave the way they do, then that Person is Clinically Insane.
Saying bad things against someone is not Slander if it is based on Facts, and to say that the Hitler and his Nazis were Evil is not lying or maliciously slandering, but it is stating a Fact.
The Serbs in the South of Kosovo are lucky if they are not murdered or imprisoned on false charges, and this is only because NATO is there, but if Serbia ever recognized Kosovo, then Kosovo would become Mono Ethnic Albanian, and there are Many Albanians who will not present a even one reason why the Serbs in North Kosovo should have more rights then those in South Kosovo.
Even Hitler said that the Jews in Northern Europe should not have more Rights than the Jews in Southern Europe.
This is because Human Rights for Non-Albanians is something that Many Albanians are extremely hostile to; however, for the Obvious Reasons Albanians will not Confess to that.
I think that the Serbs need to ask the Albanians why they hate them, and not to let go until an honest answer is given, or until the Albanians reluctantly and grudgingly accept Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo as Serbian Citizens.
Germany should be asked the same question using the same method, until they revoke their support for Kosovo’s independence, and to do this in a Fully European Media Publicized manner.
The Albanians will not confess to hating Serbs, but if anyone saw the Facts in South Kosovo, then they would know that the Albanians are obviously lying.
The Albanians will say that it was because Albanians were killed in a war that the Albanian Leaders started with the help and permission of American led NATO, because ever since the 1878 League of Prizren Declaration that stated that Albanians Craved stealing other People’s Land, then that is what has been on their minds and in their hearts up till this day.
The Albanians knew that White Genocidal Americans stole the Land American Indians, and they were able to make the Victims look like the bad guys, and the Criminals to look like the good guys, and the Albanians valued the American expertise in conducting the Physical, Cultural, and Economic Genocide against the Serbian People.
America was able to Conduct the Genocide of Serbia’s Democracy, by installing their Puppets in Serbia, and funding them and giving them good vote winning lies, while saying how they were the guardians of Democracy.
The Real Reason for the start of that Kosovo War was Attempted Land Theft that was passed off as a humanitarian mission, because Slobodan Milosevic did not consent to give up Serbia’s Province of Kosovo at the Rambouillet set up that was Euphemistically called Talks, and so America and NATO were going to try their best to steal Kosovo.
The war was a long time ago, and so if the Albanians hate Serbs to this day, then Kosovo is not ready for independence until the Albanians acknowledge their share of the guilt, or if they truly delude themselves claim of being Peace Loving Innocent People who would not hurt a fly, then Serbia will wait patiently until they are forgiven by the Albanians of Albania, Montenegro, FYROM, Greece, and of course their own Country of Albania.
Once that forgiveness is forthcoming, then the Albanians will accept a Negotiated Autonomy for Kosovo as Serbian Citizens, and possibly as dual Citizens of Serbia and Albania, because Serbia will never recognize Kosovo, either implicitly or explicitly.
Serbia should tell the European Union that there can be no normalization of South Kosovo toward Serbia, or America and the European Union toward Serbia, because for as long as the Kumanovo Agreement exists.
This is because this does not happen between any Normal Countries of any neighbouring Countries in the World who have Normal Relations, and it should not happen with a Country and its Province.
The Majority Albanian Areas of South Kosovo can be represented as, Designated Albanian Areas of South Kosovo, or DAASK because no Country can be represented only by parts of the South of a Province, and we know that parts of South Kosovo is not a Country, but it is part of the Province of Serbia.
Kosovo Albanians can be represented by the term DAASK, or Designated Albanian Areas of South Kosovo, and North Kosovo will join Serbia in every way, while the Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo or SDASK will be represented by Serbia’s Ministry of Kosovo in Belgrade, that will have regional Offices in Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo.
Those Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo could be either Majority or Minority Ethnically Serbian, but the Minority Areas would have to be because of Religious, Cultural, or Historical reasons.
It is very important that the words Serbia’s Territory, and not Serbian Territory is used, because Serbia is a Country, and Serbian is a Race, and so there must be not be any implied Racism in the name.
The People of North Kosovo can print the forms using A4 computer paper, with the Question, and the YES or NO answer, unless the Kumanovo Agreement is scrapped, and DAASK and SDASK are agreed to, along with 1,999 Serbian police and soldiers to enter North Kosovo to see to it that a Referendum in Northern Kosovo can be delayed for a while.
The terms Serbia and Serbia’s need to be defined several times as the English way of saying the recognized United Nations Country with Belgrade as its Capital, and with Kosovo as its Province just like Serbia’s Constitution and United Nation Security Council Resolution 1244 says.
All of South Kosovo will continue to be Serbian Territory, but the Majority Albanian Territories in South Kosovo can be represented as DAASK.
I think that any Albanian DAASK Official in any forum could have a Serbian Official from Serbia’s Ministry of Provincial Affairs be present, so that the World will know that Kosovo belongs to all the People of Serbia and Kosovo, and to all the Races of Serbia and its Province of Kosovo, but only if it is practical or necessary.
North Kosovo should not be included in this matter, because North Kosovo and other Serbian Areas in South Kosovo should be Represented by Serbia, rather than having an Official of the Serbian Ministry of Provincial Affairs be present to signify that North Kosovo is part of the Country of Serbia, or the Serbian Designated Areas of South Kosovo are a pat of Serbia.
This is because North Kosovo will be joined to Serbia in every way, even if there is an Administrative line between North Kosovo and South Kosovo, and an Administrative line between Serbia and South Kosovo.
For the Albanians of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, who Present Themselves as the Saviour of Civilization, as Humanitarian, as Caring, as Compassionate, and as especially as Europeans; then, here is their Perfect Opportunity to accept that a Negotiated Autonomy that is agreeable to both the Serbs and Albanians, but no Independence for Kosovo Albanians is the way to prove this to themselves, and to prove it to others.
Re: “Never mind that Serbs were on both sides in 1389” — which “both sides” specifically? There were no Serbs in the sultan Murat’s army in the Battle of the Kosovo Field, if that’s what you’re refering to. Serbs were vassals later on and did fight for the Ottomans, but not in 1389. If you have any proof to the contrary, kindly reference it.
Re: “or that they have been leaving the place in large numbers at least since least the trek of the Vojvods at the end of the 17th century” — what exactly is “the trek of the Vojvods”? Where dis you find this? Who references this?
In other words, what the hell are you blabbering about?
N.B. After these examples of blatant ignorance, I didn’t read your diatribe any further. Nonetheless I rest assured that there are likely dozens more examples of insufficient homework on your part. Ah well…
Read the London conference of 1912, the berlin conference and so on, there are all the facts when thay splited up Albanians territory,
to montenegro ( from the beggining montenegro land is only podgorica and some villages arout it, all other is albanian territory, and as the situation now there albanians dont have rights as the montenegrins have rights in kosova)
to Serbia long up to Nis ( do u know what Nis was called before serbians changed the name? take a look to it n u will see) this is albanian territory, serbians did and still do ethnic cleaning, thay hade an aggrement with turkey to transport albanians from their land to the desert of turkey,
to fyrom macedonia ( once a time Shkup (Skopje) was the capital city of all albanians, and still today there live more albanians in Shkup than in Tirana which is the capital city of todays albania, the conflict for some years ago there was “calmed down” by force and lies of fyrom institutions, and many albanians were killed, children, womans n so on, and still albanians there dont have same rights as “macedonians” which we cant really call them bcuz todays macedonians dont excist, obly the mix of Bulgarians-serbs, Hungarians-serbs and so on, and 60-70 % of todays macedonia is albanian territorim where still lives up to 99% Albanians.
to greece?! yes greece to0, Cameria and more territory is ALBANIAN, its more than 30 % of greece that is albanian territorium and the albaniens there still talk the old albanian language which is not so much different than todays albanian. the albanian in greece have no right, thay cant have albanian names, i mean in documents and so on, thays have no rights for schoools in albanian lang etc etc
so if we really want peace in BALCAN than we have to split ethnic territories their respective land there thay belong
Albanian territories to ALbania, serbs to serbia, and so on.
i an just say read history but not hisory written by SERBS but by the other, and for the end there a new book of historical of Kosova (Dardania) and u will see. i dont know if it is written in english too but today we have translators which translate anyway up to 70% right, so u can at least get a glimt of what is true and not. the book is written by J. Buzuku
@ B.S.
From which sources you are giving these facts?
From albanians proteges during history (otoman empire), you will find that in 1455. AD under serbian ruler Vuk Brankovic was 2% of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija (source “Defter” or tax book).
So, Albanians founded Nis/Navisos (who would know that). So I presume that you are descendants of Celts/Gots/Dardanians/Romans/Thracians or maybe direct descedants of Dionysus.