New members of the GCCT

New members of the GCCT

TransConflict is pleased to announce six new members of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation, from South Sudan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Nigeria, respectively.

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For a complete list of GCCT members, please click here!

  • South Sudan Development Agency – (South Sudan) – The South Sudan Development Agency support and builds the capacity of war-affected and marginalized community in South Sudan in order to reduce vulnerabilities and improve livelihoods through the promotion of quality primary education and healthcare, human right and peace, water and sanitation and food security.
  • Microgovernance Research Initiative – (Bangladesh) – MGR considers violence in conflict is not merely an output rather a as part of the process of conflict. So MGR is more interested in research, advocacy and engagement activities related to the process of conflict and violence. The organisation believe conflict or violence is not distant from the society; it has microfoundation within the society. And successful transformation require integration of micro-level actors, causes and triggers.
  • Danish Demining Group – (Kenya) – DDG is an international NGO focused on preventing and reducing armed violence. DDG currently runs projects on community safety and conflict management in North Western Kenya and is carrying out conflict assessment in other areas of northern Kenya in collaboration with the Kenya School of Government.
  • Young Peace Builders – (Sierra Leone) – YPB strongly believes in mutual respect for all regardless of race, origin, tribe, religious or political affiliations. YPB is committed to building a sustainable world in which peace, justice, solidarity, human dignity, sustainable development and respect for human rights prevails. YPB is a composite of post-conflict countries dealing with post conflict issues like the restoration of ethnic cohesion, reintegration, reconciliation, and structural reforms in democracy and leadership in an attempt to lay a future foundation that will prevent future violence.
  • ACTION Support Centre – (South Africa) – The ASC aims to create and explore opportunities that strengthen partnerships horizontally amongst civil society formations and between civil society and the stakeholders from within government and the private sector that affect the lives of the communities they are working with. These new forms of innovative collaborative partnership are intended to enable grassroots civil society to engage more effectively with policy makers at national, regional and international levels.
  • Journalists Initiative for Youth Empowerment – (Nigeria) – Journalists Initiative for Youth Empowerment is a non-profit development communication organisation supporting young people to stay away from violence, create jobs for themselves and participate in democratic governance. With partner organisations and individuals around the world, Ji4Ye works to to end youth unemployment, youth radicalization and youth apathy in democratic governance in Nigeria.

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