Never Again Rwanda will never relent to promote rights of all the youth
Never Again Rwanda, a member of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation, organized a conference on the theme, “Promotion and protection of human rights: My voice counts,” to mark International Human Rights Day.
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December 10, 2015 on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, Never Again Rwanda gathered over 130 youth in Kigali to join the world to celebrate this year’s International Human Rights Day. On this occasion, Never Again Rwanda organized a conference on the theme: “Promotion and protection of human rights: My voice counts.”
“I salute the efforts of all the youth involved in the promotion and protection of Human rights in various corners of this country! You should all know that a country is at peace only when it respects human rights and the change has to start young men and women.” the Deputy Chairperson of Never Again Rwanda Albert Nzamukwereka addressed the conference participants.
The Deputy Chairperson of Never Again Rwanda emphasized that if we want keep Rwanda a peaceful and developing country, young generation should embrace the culture of human rights by recognizing and tolerating diversity in our society as human rights will definitely strengthen our ties and sustain the development of the nation.
Speaking at the event, The United States Ambassador to Rwanda H.E Erica J. Barks-Ruggles appreciated that Rwanda has ratified and domesticated various human rights instruments but called for more effective collaboration between Civil Society and government in addressing human rights challenges.
“We believe that Civil Society and Government can cooperate and promote the rights of the citizens. Education is the key – but not just in schools – also in environments like this – in families. It’s good to talk to people about human rights – discuss in a constructive way those very difficult and sensitive issues – start dialogues – not teaching because every voice counts,” said HE Barks Ruggles.
This national human rights conference is one of the Never Again Rwanda’s efforts to promote rights of all the youth so as to contribute to the eradication of corruption, observance of human rights and to the improvement of the quality of life in Rwanda.
Celebration of the International Human Rights Day is just one component of the Youth for Human Rights Project implemented by Never Again Rwanda with the support of USAID Rwanda.
Human rights challenges dealt with in the Youth for Human Rights Project are: drug abuse, unemployment, discrimination towards vulnerable groups such as people living with disabilities, access to quality education, teenage pregnancies, limited understanding and knowledge of human rights instruments existing in Rwanda among others.
Project activities include youth discussion forums, radio talk show, conference, articles writing and essay competitions on human rights issues, trainings for young leaders, and support to human rights advocate and support to the Government of Rwanda in drafting reports of UPR.
Never Again Rwanda is a peacebuilding and human rights organization that was founded in response to the 1994 genocide perpetrated against Tutsis. Never Again Rwanda is guided by a vision of a nation where citizens are agents of positive change and work together towards sustainable peace and development. Based in Kigali, but with projects going on all around Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region, Never Again Rwanda’s mission is to enhance citizens’ capacity to analyze the root causes of conflict and to facilitate dialogue among peers in order to generate ideas and activities that work towards sustainable peace and socio-economic development. With 13 years of experience, Never Again Rwanda is one of the leading national peacebuilding organizations in the country.
Never Again Rwanda is a member of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation, comprised of organizations committed to upholding and implementing the Principles of Conflict Transformation.
Never Again Rwanda will never relent to promote rights of all the youth #Nonprofit
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