August 2016 Review

August 2016 Review

TransConflict is pleased to present a selection of articles published during August, plus updates from the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation. 

 Suggested Reading Conflict Background GCCT

1) Incentives and peace – part 1

Dr. Alon Ben-Meir – Unless distrust, insecurity, and illusions are first addressed, no incentives – however sweeping and compelling – will motivate Israel and the Palestinians to make the critical concessions needed to reach a peace agreement. Read on…

2) Incentives and peace – part 2

Dr. Alon Ben-Meir – Unless distrust, insecurity, and illusions are first addressed, no incentives – however sweeping and compelling – will motivate Israel and the Palestinians to make the critical concessions needed to reach a peace agreement. Read on…

3) How do we defeat Islamo-Nihilism?

Dr. Sam Ben-Meir – To fully rescue Islam from the nihilistic violence of today will mean championing an Islam that is radical in its embrace of the excluded other, that represents solidarity and non-violent resistance in the face of social inequity, oligarchy, exploitation, and injustice. Read on…

4) Events in Armenia, July 2016 – fortuitous or planned conflict management?

David Davidian – Was the July 2016 capture of a police station in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, by an armed group planned by the Armenian government in order to put “land for peace” talks with Azerbaijan on hold, or was it simply fortuitous timing? Read on…

5) Youth participation 101 – five simple tips for including youth in peacebuilding

UNOY Peacebuilders – UN Security Council Resolution 2250 calls for the inclusion of youth in peacebuilding and the prevention of violence. That means that policy makers, NGOs, international organisations and others all need to find out how to include youth in their work. Read on…

6) Sri Lanka – the halfway mark

The Sri Lanka Campaign – In September 2015, the UN Nations released a major report on Sri Lanka in which it found strong evidence that serious rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity had been committed during the civil war. In response, the government of Sri Lanka pledged a wide-ranging set of measures designed to address the legacy of the war. The Sri Lanka Campaign is currently monitoring these promises and the results remain concerning. Read on…

7) The Afghanistan quagmire – time for an exit strategy

Dr. Alon Ben-Meir – After 15 years of fighting, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and tens of thousands killed on both sides, Afghanistan is not better off today than it was immediately following the collapse of the Taliban regime. The upcoming American administration must commit itself to ending Afghanistan’s quagmire, because short of a negotiated agreement, there will be no victory against the Taliban any more than America’s disguised defeat in Vietnam. Read on…

8) Zimbabwe’s strange turn against the tide

Tendaishe Tlou – Zimbabwe has embarked on a trajectory of economic decline and political regression, with massive human rights abuses and international condemnation. Now, however, the non-violent approach of Zimbabwean’s is overwhelming the fear instilled in the masses and threatening the country’s oppressors. Read on…

9) Defeating ISIS and ending Sunni-Shiite war in Iraq

Dr. Alon Ben-Meir – Now that the conditions on the ground have changed and ISIS is on the retreat, President Obama can help with the full support of its coalition partners in shaping Iraq’s future by negotiating a new political arrangement with Iraq’s central government that will grant the Iraqi Sunni community autonomous rule. This may well be the only practical recipe that will bring about the defeat of ISIS and end the vicious Sunni-Shiite civil war in Iraq and other Arab states. Read on…

10) Strengthening organisational capacities to build peace – research report

UNOY Peacebuilders – UNOY Peacebuilders, a member of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation, in pleased to present their latest research report: Youth Impact for Peace: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in Six European Youth Organisations. Read on…

11) The farce of the UN’s recent tourism conference in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice – For the last four years, the Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice has been running an Ethical Tourism Campaign, to highlight how visitors to Sri Lanka can increase the social benefits, whilst mitigating the political harms, of their trips to Sri Lanka. Our aim is to create informed tourists who can make a responsible choice about how to visit Sri Lanka in a manner which supports local communities and does not strengthen the military’s grip on the country. Read on…

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