Kosovo – the northern reality
Impressions from a recent visit to north Kosovo confirm that, in spite of improvements in movement across the River Ibar, it remains a potential crisis point that both the government and internationals in Pristina have contributed to rather then helping alleviate.
A response to the Minister for Kosovo
Reverend Donald Reeves MBE responds to a recent statement by Serbia's Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, Goran Bogdanovic, and reiterates the need to initiate a sustainable peace building process in Kosovo centered around the monasteries of Pec and Decani.
The perpetual theatre of Kosovo
'Teatro Stabile del Kosovo' - The Perpetual Theatre of Kosovo - is filmed, directed and edited by award-winning Italian reporter, Roberto Valussi, who travelled extensively throughout Kosovo for more than a year during its making.
Serbia offers a Kosovo smorgasbord
Eager to ensure that Kosovo does not inhibit its EU membership aspirations, the Serbian government - facing elections next year - has recently offered a veritable smorgasbord of possibilities for reaching a “historical” compromise.
Srbija nudi kosovski švedski sto
S željom da osigura da Kosovo neće inhibirati njene aspiracije ka članstvu u EU, srpska vlada - koju naredne godine očekuju izbori - nedavno je ponudila pravi švedski sto mogućnosti za ostvarivanje 'istorijskog' kompromisa.
Serbia-Kosovo – dialogue and creativity required to resolve sensitive issues
A conference on peace-building amongst youth from Serbia and Kosovo highlighted the need for the official negotiations to be supplemented with other activities in order to ensure that true conflict transformation and the re-building of inter-ethnic trust can occur.
Kosovo – Pristina's police ploy
Pristina's attempts to inject its police into the north threaten to upset the status quo and provoke a response that may not only lead to the full partition of the Kosovo Police Service, but which could also derail talks between Serbia and Kosovo.
Kosovo – smicalica Prištine s policijom
Pokušaji Prištine da nametnu svoje policijske snage na Kosovu pretnja su trenutnom statusu quo i izazivaju odgovor koji ne samo da bi mogao dovesti do potpune podele kosovske policije (KPS), već bi mogao izbaciti iz koloseka i razgovore između Srbije i Kosova.
Kosovo – the negotiations, the north and the police
Whilst Belgrade shows a willingness to compromise on specific issues, Pristina remains wedded to a maximalist stance - particularly towards the north - that inhibits its scope for making concessions and has led to suggestions that regional stability could be threatened if the spectre of partition is raised.
Structured and unstructured daily encounters in Kosovo
While political processes and politicians are in the media spotlight, policy analysis and other writings about everyday realities and peoples’ lives in Kosovo have been... Read More
Kosovo – is the EU turning status neutral?
After seeking since 2008 to support the imposition of Pristina's rule in north Kosovo, the EU may now be shifting to a more status-neutral approach. The devil will be in the details and much will depend on whether the US goes along.
Kosovo – da li EU postaje statusno neutralna?
Nakon što je od 2008. godine nastojala da podrže nametanje vladavine Prištine na severu Kosova, Evropska unija bi sada mogla da pređe ka više statusno neutralnom pristupu. Mnogo toga će ponovo zavisiti od detalja, kao i od toga da li će SAD ići u istom pravcu.
The love triangle – Serbia, Kosovo and the EU
The next elections will determine whether Serbia chooses the 'European perspective' or the so-called 'Kosovo path'; whether it will continue to uphold its territorial integrity or seek to amend its constitution in order to join the EU.
Will the US stop digging its Kosovo hole?
The current talks between Belgrade and Pristina may provide the US with an opportunity to shift away from a policy that has become dependent upon giving full backing to Kosovo's prime minister, Hashim Thaci, regardless of the accusations made against him.
Da li će SAD prestati da same sebi kopaju rupu na Kosovu?
Trenutni razgovori između Beograda i Prištine mogli bi biti prilika za SAD da naprave pomak od politike koja je postala ovisna o njihovoj punoj podršci kosovskom premijeru, Hašimu Tačiju, bez obzira na optužbe protiv njega.
Kosovo – still a mess
With Kosovo still a mess, it remains to be seen whether the Quint will push Pristina to accept necessary compromises and whether EULEX will move to prevent a resumption of Pristina's provocations on the ground.
Kosovo – još uvek u haosu
Dok je Kosovo još uvek u haosu, tek će se videti da li će Kvinta pritisnuti Prištinu na prihvatanje neophodnih kompromisa i da li će EULEX učiniti išta da spreči ponovne provokacije Prištine na terenu.
South Sudan – a new country, new beginning in Africa
As the product of an agreement between the governments of north and south, it is highly unlikely that the subsequent referendum and secession of South Sudan will create a new precedent in international relations, nor negatively affect countries that have similar demands for border changes.
Južni Sudan – nova zemlja, novi početak u Africi
Kao proizvod sporazuma između vlada severa i juga, malo je vjerovatno da će referendum i otcjepljenje Južnog Sudana stvoriti novi presedan u međunarodnim odnosima, niti se negativno odraziti na zemlje koje imaju slične zahtjeve za promenom granica.
Kosovo – shoes, walls, land and tables
As part of 'Mediation through Monasteries in Kosovo', TransConflict is pleased to present a short film, entitled 'Shoes, walls, land and tables', which documents the visit by Reverend Donald Reeves to the Monasteries of Peć and Dečani in Kosovo.
Kosovo – a declaration of dependence?
Kosovo's declaration of independence represents the failure of the international community to move beyond power politics, disguising Realpolitik with international law.
Kosovo – deklaracija o zavisnosti?
Kosovska Deklaracija nezavisnosti predstavlja neuspeh međunarodne zajednice da deluje izvan politike moći, pokušavajući da realpolitiku predstavi kao međunarodno pravo.
A dark cloud hangs over Kosovo
The Council of Europe has both the opportunity and obligation to provide much-needed momentum to an international investigation into the serious allegations made by Dick Marty against Hashim Thaci and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
Kosovo – what a mess
Given the spate of bad news emerging from Kosovo in recent weeks, the only way forward is for the international community to again attempt to achieve a political solution, this time with Belgrade directly.
Kosovo – kakav nered
Imajući u vidu bujicu loših vesti koje tokom poslednjih nedelja pristižu sa Kosova, jedini put napred je ponovni pokušaj međunarodne zajednice da ostvari političko rešenje, ovoga puta direktno sa Beogradom.