

Simmering tensions in the South

A grenade attack on the Gendarmerie near Bujanovac, in southern Serbia, has exposed the fragility of the region and the need for tangible steps to improve relations between the security infrastructure and the various local communities.

Evading the rule of law

The failure to extradite Agim Ceku, the former prime minister of Kosovo, represents a further blow to international law and good neighbourly relations in the Western Balkans.

Serbia’s ICTY Obstacle

In spite of largely positive assessments from the ICTY's chief prosecutor, the USA and Amnesty International concerning co-operation with The Hague Tribunal, The Netherlands remains unwilling to soften its stance towards unblocking Serbia's SAA and interim trade agreement with the EU.

Agreement on Reconstructing the Coordination Body

After an absence of almost three-years, Albanian leaders from southern Serbia have returned to the Co-ordination Body for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, after an agreement was reached on restructuring the Body's composition and competencies.
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