
Though now a member of the European Union, Croatia – as with many of its neighbours – remains afflicted by the legacies of the wars of the early nineties following the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.

 Suggested Reading Conflict Background Analysis

GCCT members from Croatia

1) Center for Peace Studies

The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) grew out of various direct forms of peace-building in Western Slavonia, such as the Voluntary Project Pakrac, from 1993 to 1997). CPS aims at promoting the values of non-violence, social justice, respect for human rights, tolerance, and accepting differences through participative methods such as peace education, research, and through publicly advocating peacebuilding. Read more…


2) Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace

The mandate of the Coalition for Work With Psychotrauma and Peace (CWWPP) is the empowerment of people during or after armed conflict or with the potential for such conflict to take control of their own lives, particularly at grassroots level. Read more…


3) Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past

Since its establishment in 2004, Documenta aims to develop social and individual processes of dealing with the past in order to build sustainable peace in Croatia and the wider region through deepening of public dialogue and initiating debate on public policies which stimulate dealing with the past; gathering and publishing documentation and research of war incidents and their assumptions, war crimes and violations of human rights; as well as monitoring judicial processes at a local and regional level as a contribution to the advancement of judicial standards and practice in the processing of war crimes. Read more…


Photography by nicktheklick, published under a Creative Commons license

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