Serbia and the EU – who needs who?
Though the EU - seemingly motivated by the US and "led" by Germany - rejected Serbia's candidacy over its continued 'refusal' to surrender Kosovo, it is increasingly apparent that the EU needs the Balkans inside even more than the Balkans needs to get inside.
More Europe in the Southeast is the answer?
Whilst imploring aspiring members to embrace its own system and values, the EU's selectiveimplementation of standards - depending on the case and context - means that countries of the region, particularly the Republic of Macedonia, should be cautious about accession.
EU accession and peacebuilding
Extracts from a report on a recent seminar, entitled ‘EU accession and peacebuilding’, organized by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), which took place in Belgrade on 28-29th September 2010.