Kosovo i Ahtisarijev plan Reduks
Ahtisarijev plan - ili nešto slično tome - će morati biti deo bilo kakvog praktičnog rešenja za sever Kosova, uz mogućnost da međunarodna zajednica preuzme ulogu Prištine u sprovođenju Plana.
Kosovo – the ICJ speaks
The International Court of Justice's ruling has found Kosovo's declaration of independence to be neither legal nor illegal, but that international law contains no applicable prohibition of such declarations.
Kosovo – “a struggle over who gets the north”
An interview with Gerard Gallucci, the former UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, in which he discusses the impending International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling on the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence and its implications for the future of the disputed territory, particularly the north of Kosovo.
Kosovo – is the United States inciting violence in the North?
Tacit and explicit US support for Pristina's unilateral approach to the north of Kosovo has fueled an already volatile situation, contributing to an increase in tensions and acts of provocation that threaten further violent confrontations similar to that of July 2nd.
Kosovo – divisible sovereignty
Side-stepping the sovereignty issue and avoiding partition requires increased autonomy for the Serbs north of the Ibar and some form of role for Serbia vis-à-vis the southern Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Kosovo – what to do with the north, ad interim
The international community will need to find a more comprehensive approach to the north of Kosovo, acceptable to the majority Serbs, that can serve in the interim to help normalize daily life there whilst the status issue remains unresolved.
Kosovo – okay, really, what next?
With 2009 having ended much as it began, the international community must continue to pursue a peacekeeping approach to the north in order to keep alive the possibility of a negotiated outcome.
Kosovo – partitioning what from what?
Though partition is far from the best way to resolve the Kosovo question, it is a political option for Kosovo as part of a final status resolution and has been used by one side already.
Kosovo – what is to be done?
With the International Court of Justice’s verdict on the legality of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence likely to be tilted in Serbia’s favour, possible elements... Read More
Kosovo and the Ahtisaari Plan
In the absence of a status agreement, the Quint must look at the Ahtisaari Plan once more by re-engaging Russia and focusing on trying to... Read More
Peacekeeping in Kosovo
Peacekeeping in Kosovo requires continuous efforts to help local Albanians and Serbs co-exist next to each other while working to find ways for them to... Read More