

April 2014 Review

TransConflict is pleased to present a selection of articles published during April, plus updates from the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation. 

Breaking Ukraine

Russia has real interests in Ukraine, the West does not. The Ukrainians have fundamental interests.  The Western role should be to help them make the...
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New Serbia, new NATO

TransConflict Serbia is pleased to present the contribution of Ambassador Lawrence Rossin, NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations, to the conference “New Serbia, new NATO – Future Vision for the 21st Century”, which took place in Belgrade in December 2010.

Serbia and South Stream

A number of key factors - including Gazprom's financial situation, falling gas production and Ukraine's changed politics - bring into question Russia's capacity to deliver the energy security benefits promised by its deal with Serbia.

NATO not a panacea for energy security

TransConflict, in conjunction with Jagello 2000 from the Czech Republic, organized a panel discussion, entitled 'NATO's new Strategic Concept – Russia and Energy Security', to coincide with the recommendations and analysis of the Group of Experts appointed to lay the groundwork for the development of a new Strategic Concept.

Bosnia is a wicked problem

The international community must recognize the key role of all relevant players, particularly Turkey and Russia, in finding solutions to Bosnia and Herzegovina's worst political crisis since the signing of Dayton.

Russia’s Balkan plan

Russia's re-emergence in the Balkans – thanks, in part, to financial loans, energy investments and the provision of emergency relief – could leave Serbia in the middle of a conundrum as the region itself increasingly becomes a point of contestation between the West and Russia.
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