Kosovo – another attempt to abolish the UN in the north?
Should the Kosovo government end funding of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Administration in Mitrovica (UAM), it will cut-off one of the few institutional linkages between north Mitrovica and Pristina.
Kosovo – the referendum reconsidered
Having achieved its aim of demonstrating that the northern resistance to the imposition of Pristina institutions is a genuine popular response, and not the result of criminal coercion, it is now time to reconsider the planned 15th February referendum.
Congratulations, Kosovo
Self-congratulatory remarks by the International Civilian Representative for Kosovo juxtaposes oddly with demonstrations on both the Serbian and Kosovar Albanian sides that underscore that the situation... Read More
Kosovo – who does the ISG speak for?
With the ISG saying it plans to leave by the end of 2012, even whilst outstanding issues - including the north - remain, the UN must be prepared to play an essential buffering role between the two sides in the status dispute.
Kosovo – Serbia, the EU and Germany
Europe seems to be allowing Germany to lead it into a historic blunder by freezing Serbia out rather than bringing it in.
Kosovo – an end to the northern crisis?
The new agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the crossing points, plus the removal of some barricades, may provide an opportunity to finally end the current crisis in the north that began on July 25th.
Kosovo – sharing a conundrum
Beset with enormous - perhaps insurmountable - economic and political problems of their own, the Europeans seem uninterested and/or unable to support real solutions in the central Balkans.
Kosovo – separate tracks
It is increasingly apparent that the respective parties - including the Quint - are talking past each other and reacting more to what has happened, rather than what might be done to move away from conflict.
Will the US stop digging its Kosovo hole?
The current talks between Belgrade and Pristina may provide the US with an opportunity to shift away from a policy that has become dependent upon giving full backing to Kosovo's prime minister, Hashim Thaci, regardless of the accusations made against him.
Da li će SAD prestati da same sebi kopaju rupu na Kosovu?
Trenutni razgovori između Beograda i Prištine mogli bi biti prilika za SAD da naprave pomak od politike koja je postala ovisna o njihovoj punoj podršci kosovskom premijeru, Hašimu Tačiju, bez obzira na optužbe protiv njega.
The dance of intimate enemies
Settlements in Bosnia and Kosovo (the former is no more “settled” than the latter) are possible only if local contestants — who know each other so well — expel international mavens from their discussions and take each other on directly.
Ples intimnih neprijatelja
Rešenja u Bosni i na Kosovu (prvi slučaj nije ništa više "rešen" u odnosu na potonji) su moguća samo ukoliko lokalni suprostavljeni akteri - koji se uzajamno jako dobro poznaju - iz svojih diskusija izbace međunarodne stručnjake i direktno se upuste u diskusiju jedni sa drugima.
Kosovo – still a mess
With Kosovo still a mess, it remains to be seen whether the Quint will push Pristina to accept necessary compromises and whether EULEX will move to prevent a resumption of Pristina's provocations on the ground.
Kosovo – još uvek u haosu
Dok je Kosovo još uvek u haosu, tek će se videti da li će Kvinta pritisnuti Prištinu na prihvatanje neophodnih kompromisa i da li će EULEX učiniti išta da spreči ponovne provokacije Prištine na terenu.
A dark cloud hangs over Kosovo
The Council of Europe has both the opportunity and obligation to provide much-needed momentum to an international investigation into the serious allegations made by Dick Marty against Hashim Thaci and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
The future of Serbia is in defining its interests – a response
Solutions to the problems facing the region - particularly that of Kosovo's disputed status - require that the international community cease actively supporting one side over the other and instead pursue a more balanced approach.
Kosovo – what a mess
Given the spate of bad news emerging from Kosovo in recent weeks, the only way forward is for the international community to again attempt to achieve a political solution, this time with Belgrade directly.
Kosovo – kakav nered
Imajući u vidu bujicu loših vesti koje tokom poslednjih nedelja pristižu sa Kosova, jedini put napred je ponovni pokušaj međunarodne zajednice da ostvari političko rešenje, ovoga puta direktno sa Beogradom.
Kosovo chooses its future course
The outcome of Kosovo's first general elections since declaring independence will be key to determining Pristina’s willingness to engage constructively in forthcoming talks with Serbia.
Premature withdrawal
With NATO’s New Secretary General making his first official visit to Kosovo, speculation about possible troop withdrawals ignores the present security challenges.