The voices of the people cannot disappear from the United Nations
Seventy years after its founding, the United Nations is still far from realising the lofty words of its charter. How can UN member states seize... Read More
Securing sustainable development globally
One critical sustainable development goal is the strengthening of the means by which nations can implement the overall sustainable development global vision. Is there a... Read More
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 fifteen years on
Resolution 1325 was the first time that the UN Security Council had looked at the experiences of women in war and post-war situations, and their critical... Read More
UN Human Rights Council reaffirms safeguards for civilians in times of war
The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council welcomed the report of the “Gaza Conflict Commission of Inquiry”, which indicated that the Israeli military and Palestinian... Read More
The United Nations as one mind
Reforms of UN structures is difficult − basically impossible − because the system works “well enough” to suit most governments and that most governments are... Read More
New Missions for the UN and a Secretary-General to fit
To be effective, the UN, its program and Specialized Agencies need leadership which can promote world interests without undue influence of individual states. The challenges... Read More
Implementing the UN’s sustainable development goals
While there are no absolute preconditions to sustainable human development there are undoubtedly conditions conducive to such development. Enabling local communities to plan and implement... Read More
The Human Rights Council at 10 – too much talk, too little action?
There is lots of talk about human rights at the UN Human Rights Council, but too little attention to the violations of those rights in... Read More
On peacekeeping
An effective law is required to regulate peacekeeping missions; one that provides a standardized basis for the behaviour of peacekeepers, including issues such as the potential... Read More
Peacemaking, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peace enforcement in the 21st century
So far, the United Nations has employed with success the four linked strategies of peacemaking, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and peace enforcement. Such strategies promote the multinational... Read More
Indigenous peoples – expanding the realm of justice
Indigenous peoples around the world often find themselves caught up in conflict, but ignored by the mechanisms used to end them. Including all parties is... Read More
The United Nations and its peacekeeping dilemma
The deployment of a UN Force Intervention Brigade (FIB), authorized to undertake “all necessary measures” to neutralize armed groups, represents an important step in the... Read More
US foreign policy and Ukraine
The US might form its policy around building and maintaining multilateral commitment to prevent, diffuse and contain conflicts, using its sense of right and wrong... Read More
A third way for Cyprus?
Cyprus cannot be a nation-state under Greek Cypriot majority rule, or two nation-states in a loose co-federation under the surveillance of NATO forces. But could... Read More
Time to begin thinking about world government?
What might a world citizen look like while there is still no world government? The first example might be Edward Snowden. Whether he meant to... Read More
The new UN and peacekeeping
The return to robust peacekeeping is a disconcerting development since it raises the whole question of the need for impartiality if peacekeepers are to have... Read More
The new UN peacekeeping
UN reform of peacekeeping seems to mean mainly focusing on two instances – when civilian deaths in a conflict or failing state are actually or... Read More
Natural resources and peacebuilding – is the United Nations united?
There is a fundamental need to address natural resource degradation, governance and benefit-sharing as a fundamental component of peacebuilding in Afghanistan and other post-war countries.
Syria and a possible UN approach to chemical weapons
The UN would likely play a key role in verifying and overseeing an effort to put Syria’s weapons under international control. But the UN Security... Read More
Should the UN fight in a war?
The core values of peacekeeping lie in the principles of consent of the parties, impartiality and the non-use of force except as a last resort.... Read More
Time for the UN Security Council permanent five to give up their vetoes?
Why has the relationship between Washington and Moscow not become more “normal” and permitted a greater degree of partnership in the Security Council? Reasons exist... Read More
Cyprus – the drama unfolds
Given the on-going political crisis over hydro-carbon exploitation rights, plus a pending July 2012 deadline by which Greek Cypriots will assume the rotating EU Presidency, the failure of UN-mandated talks over reunification seems inevitable.
Bosnia – the international community must shape the negotiating table
The persistence of spoilers in Bosnia and Herzegovina means that the international community has a key role to play in shaping the composition of the negotiating table for constitutional reform.
Kosovo – divisible sovereignty
Side-stepping the sovereignty issue and avoiding partition requires increased autonomy for the Serbs north of the Ibar and some form of role for Serbia vis-à-vis the southern Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church.