South Sudan Youth Participation Agency

Contact Information

  • Where – South Sudan (Northern Africa)
  • Contact Person – Samuel Okomi
  • Email –
  • Address – Juba, South Sudan

Areas of Expertise

South Sudan Youth Participation Agency has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

•To offer skills and knowledge to vulnerable communities by providing tangible support , trainings, campaigns, awareness and basic Education as commitment in upholding human dignity.

To sustain their livelihoods and take up independent responsibilities for their sustainability and development affairs.

To have a community that has access to basic needs and enjoys the same fundamental rights as the rest of other communities with honor and dignity.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

SSYPA has organized several peace building and conflict transformation activities across the nation for the past 10 years, through which it has both assisted and witnessed young people taking the lead to transform conflicts in South Sudan.

Where and with Whom

SSYPA works closely with Norwegian Church Aid, the Oslo Center and CHF in South Sudan, primarily targeting youth.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

SSYPA’s main activities include:

  • Trainings;
  • Community forums,
  • Drama and debates,
  • Workshops with policy workers.

South Sudan Youth Development Project (Southern Sudan)

Funded by CIDA, this project promotes effective and meaningful youth involvement in the development of their communities. It works to strengthen the administrative capacity of SSYPA, a network of 47 youth organizations in southern Sudan and facilitates collaboration among its member organizations.

Further programming activities will include HIV/AIDS education and awareness, mine education and awareness, psychosocial support programs, community peace building and reconciliation, skills training and other local rehabilitation efforts.

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