
Lebanon’s religious and ethnic complexity, and challenging regional environment, have often proved a source of violence; from its own fifteen year-long civil war to Israel’s 2006 attack on Hezbollah.

 Suggested Reading Conflict Background Analysis

GCCT members from Lebanon

1) Initiatives of Change, Mount Lebanon

IofC Mount Lebanon is part of the international Initiatives of Change network (formally Moral Rearmament MRA). The Mount Lebanon section concentrates primarily on work with youth (18-30) in the areas of conflict transformation, anti-corruption, and memory (Vergangenheitsbewältigung). Read more…


2) Live Lactic Culture (Laban in Arabic)

Live Lactic Culture – Laban uses the arts and especially improvisational theater skills in their approach to work with conflict transformation. Improvisational theater contains skills that enhance the way people react to and deal with conflicts and Live Lactic Culture – Laban aims at spreading those skills. Some of those skills include, but are not limited to; positive reactions, teamwork, dynamic leadership, communication, presentation and many others. Read more…


3) UMAM Documentation and Research

UMAM D&R aims to preserve, examine and debate the memories of civil violence as well as to provide a platform for public access to, and exchange of such memories. Ultimately, UMAM seeks to shed light on these conflicting memories, analyze them and evaluate collectively the shared responsibilities associated with their continued presence. Read more…


4) Zico House

In 1999, Beirut was selected to be the Cultural Capital of the Arab World; this was when Zico House, the civil society organization for culture and development,was officially born. Zico’s home was increasingly associated with the arts and soon, by word of mouth, it became the place where cultural events took place. The whole building became a house for ecological, social, youth and cultural organizations Read more…


Mothers in Lebanon support Mothers in Gaza (photography courtesy of MuznaMasri, published under a Creative Commons license).

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