
Though a comprehensive peace agreement was signed between the Nepalese government and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in 2006, challenges to securing a sustainable peace remain.

 Suggested Reading Conflict Background Analysis

GCCT members from Nepal

1) Friends for Peace

Friends for Peace (FFP) is a membership-based non-profit organisation composed of a team of professionals committed to the study and practice of conflict transformation and sustainable peacebuilding in Nepal.
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3) Natural Resource Conflict Transformation Center Nepal

Natural Resource Conflict Transformation Center Nepal mission is to become a leading organization in the study, research, documentation and transformation of natural resource based conflicts for resource management, livelihood support and to create peaceful and civilized society.
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4) Peace for People

The mission of Peace for People is to promote a transition to sustainable ways of living, and a society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect for universal human rights and diversity, economic justice, democracy and a culture of peace. Read more…


5) Unification Nepal

UN-Nepal is an autonomous, non-religious, non-governmental, not-for-profit, and apolitical organization established for lasting peace and development by empowering, involving and informing young people. UN-Nepal believes that the youth are the most vulnerable and valuable resource. UN-Nepal is one of the youth-led organizations that is seriously concerned about peace and development through the empowerment of youth. Read more…

Photograph from the World Bank Photo Collection, published under a Creative Commons license

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