Competition for land, scarce resources and political influence has lead to acts of extremisms and violence that threaten the stability of Nigeria and its 150 million population.
Suggested Reading | Conflict Background | Analysis |
GCCT members from Nigeria
1) Advocates for Youth and Health Development
Advocates for Youth and Health Development (AYHD) is a youth led non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit organization engaged in peace promotion, conflict resolution, human rights and economic development, primarily through capacity-building, advocacy, research and documentation. Read more…
2) Alfattah Youth Development Academy
The Alfattah Youth Development Academy was formed with a mandate to help shape the future of young people by granting them access to programs and resources that would inspire and challenge them. Read more…
3) Bege Foundation for Women and Youth Empowerment
The Bege Foundation for Women and Youth Empowerment is a non-governmental, non-profit making and non-partisan organization that works towards the well-being of vulnerable persons and communities; through the entrenchment of peaceful values. Read more…
4) Centre for Peacebuilding and Poverty Reduction Among African Indigenous Peoples
The Centre for Peacebuilding and Poverty Reduction Among African Indigenous Peoples focuses upon the pursuit of human rights and those of indigenous people; good governance and elections; and conflict transformation and peacebuilding in Africa.. Read more…
5) Journalists Initiative for Youth Empowerment
Journalists Initiative for Youth Empowerment is a non-profit development communication organisation supporting young people to stay away from violence, create jobs for themselves and participate in democratic governance. With partner organisations and individuals around the world, Ji4Ye works to to end youth unemployment, youth radicalization and youth apathy in democratic governance in Nigeria. Read more…
6) Mediation Center International
The Mediation Center International works to increase public awareness in early warning and peacebuilding monitoring, and to undertake systematic and in-depth analysis of conflict and conflict-related issues; and to explore the theory, practice and understanding of mediation and negotiation, and to establish mediation centers in different communities. Read more…
7) Peace Initiative Network (PIN)
Peace Initiative Network (PIN) is a non-governmental, non-partisan in politics and religion, charitable organization based in Kano, Nigeria. Since its inception in 2004, PIN has committed itself irrevocably to peacebuilding and development in Nigeria through advocacy, capacity development, sport and, participatory research. Read more…
8) Peace Point Action
Peace Point Action (PPA) is an non-governmental, service-oriented organization founded in 2005 to address the needs of vulnerable communities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria targeting the children, youth and women on issues of environmental justice, good governance, HIV and AIDS prevention, health and gender. Read more…
9) The Red Elephant Foundation
The Red Elephant Foundation is an initiative that is built on the foundations of story-telling, civilian peacebuilding and activism for sensitisation on all drivers of peace – gender, race, nationality, colour and orientation. The initiative is titled “Red Elephant” to stand out as a vehicle that projects stories that must never be forgotten: stories that show you such courage that you should never forget, and stories that show the world such profound lessons that the world should never forget. In doing so, the initiative aims at creating awareness and opening up channels of communication towards creating societies of tolerance, peacebuilding and equality. Read more…
10) Society for Peace Studies and Practice
The Society for Peace Studies and Practice aims to maximize the largely untapped potentials inherent in the integration of peace study and practice through actions, such as engagement with and support for civil society’s organizations, building strategic partnership with national, regional and international organizations and networks as well as linking with donors and international actors to support an environment conducive to nonviolence and culture of peace. Read more…
11) Women’s Interfaith Council
The Women’s Interfaith Council’s vision is “a society where Muslims and Christians live together in peace, where the rights of women are respected, and where women are protagonists of peaceful coexistence and development”; whilst its mission is “to enable women of faith associations work together to bring about peace, stability and development in Kaduna in particular and Nigeria in general by addressing conflict issues and issues of concern to women with the primary focus on conflict, poverty, insecurity and vulnerability”. Read more…
12) Youth for Peace Building and Development in Africa (YOUPEDA)
Youth for Peace Building and Development in Africa trains young people to facilitate peace and use traditional heritage of peace to transform conflicts situations in localities and communities. YOUPEDA also educates young people about issues of conflict in order to improve community dialogues and encourage them to undertake conflict management voluntary visits and activities. Read more…
Participants sing and dance during the Eyo festival in Nigeria’s commercial capital Lagos, April 25, 2009. The Eyo festival is the foremost cultural event in Lagos and it is a play of pageantry, grace and beauty in honour of a prominent citizen or a deceased monarch (photograph by festivals gallery, published under a Creative Commons license).
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