Though the Israel-Palestine dispute is regard by many as one of the most intractable, it has also given rise to many important examples of conflict transformation.
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GCCT members from Israel
1) Institute for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict
ISAC studies and teaches about the nature and structure of asymmetric conflicts, taking a broadly interdisciplinary approach. ISAC attempts to understand how “evolutionary” pressures induce organizations and states to perpetuate rather than resolve conflicts, hoping to find strategies to encourage the transition from “permanent crisis” to constructive conflict resolution. Read more…
2) Interfaith Encounter Association
The Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA) works to promote genuine coexistence and sustainable peace, through joint community building on the grassroots level, using interactive interfaith dialogue as its vehicle. The a-political and all-inclusive approach of the organization and its activities continuously form the human infrastructure for peace in the Holy Land. Read more…
3) Segal Conflict Management
Segal Conflict Management is a socio-political business aiming to promote conflict resolution and encourage non-violent dispute resolution within societies and between states. In a rapidly developing international system with many influential actors, there is a need for innovative and creative thinking to better understand and manage conflicts. To address these challenges, Segal Conflict Management develops dialogue platforms to conduct a structured conflict transformation process and focus on achieving tangible outcomes. Read more…
Israelis sit in a bomb shelter in the southern city of Ashkelon December 31, 2008. Hamas rockets had hit the major Israeli city of Beersheba earlier. (Photograph by Amir Farshad Ebrahimi, published under a Creative Commons license)
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