Contact Information
- Where – Nigeria (Western Africa)
- Website –
- Contact Person – Dr. Willie A. Eselebor
- Email –
- Address – 42, Kenneth Dike Way, Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Areas of Expertise
Main Aims and Objectives
SPSP aims to maximize the largely untapped potentials inherent in the integration of peace study and practice through actions, such as engagement with and support for civil society’s organizations, building strategic partnership with national, regional and international organizations and networks as well as linking with donors and international actors to support an environment conducive to nonviolence and culture of peace. SPSP’s work is carried out through joint-project designs, facilitation strategies, monitoring and evaluation.
- Vision – the emergence of a professional platform for synergistic relationship focused on sustainable peace and development [in Africa].
- Mission – Building and strengthening the capacity of scholars, practitioners and others for qualitative service delivery in peace and development work.
- Goal – SPSP will attempt to streamline, standardize and promote peace practice in Africa and add value by building the capacity of scholars and practitioners for better service delivery through high quality training programmes. The ultimate goal is to make the work of SPSP beneficial to both academics and development workers. SPSP aims to bring state actors closer to researchers and civil society actors and enhance their capacities to seek joint solutions as agents of change.
- Objectives – the Society for Peace Studies and Practice seeks to a) promote the culture of peace through the practice of ADR, as well as peace education and advocacy; b) facilitate collaboration among scholars, practitioners and other stakeholders; and c) establish and strengthen the structural and institutional framework for coordinating the activities of SPSP at all level.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
- Understanding the context – SPSP bases its work on a thorough understanding of the context in which it engages.
- Coherent work at all levels – SPSP acknowledges that building peace is a complex process that has to include all levels of society. The Society therefore employs a coherent multi-track approach with special emphasis on supporting the middle and grassroots or urban/local levels.
- Building on local knowledge – SPSP believes that people have the power to build peace. We do not just build structures, but build capacity for people to manage these structures. SPSP is hence sensitive towards local cultures and traditional methods/customs of conflict transformation and incorporates the different perspectives and voices of the people into analysis and action.
- Gender-sensitivity – SPSP applies a gender sensitive approach to conflict transformation.
- Accountability, transparency and trust – SPSP is accountable towards both its partners and its donors, and aims for relationships based on transparency and trust.
Where and with Whom
The Society is fully represented in all 36 states of Nigeria including Abuja, key educational Institutions like the University of Ibadan, University of Ilorin, Niger Delta University and Adu Bayero University, Kano. SPSP also has working relationship with the Institute of Peace and Conflict resolution in the Presidency, Abuja.
As presently constituted, SPSP has its:
- National Headquarter at IPCR, Abuja
- Administrative Office in 42, Kenneth Dike Way, Bodija, Ibadan.
- State Chapters in nearly all 36 states of the Federation.
Membership – In line with its constitutional provisions, membership of SPSP is open to all individuals working and researching as agents of change in peace and development related field in the academia, institutions of the state and the broad spectrum of civil society. The goal is to build synergy among all stakeholders for more effective interventions.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
- 1. Annual Conference – the Society has held 5 annual conferences in different locations in Nigeria, whereby position papers related to conflict transformation were present, debated upon and accepted for publication;
- 2. Capacity building and training for members and non-members alike;
- 3. Collaborate with the Peace and conflict studies programme at the University of Ibadan and assist in curriculum development;
- 4. The Society midwifed the establishment of the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies at the University of Illorin, Nigeria.
- 5. Several publications arising from papers presented during annual conferences.
- 6. Membership base of about 1,200 who are scholars and practictioners spread all over Nigeria.
- 7. Collaborates with Institute for French Research in Africa and The Nigerian Army Peacekeeping Centre in Jaji, Kaduna, Nigeria.
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