Contact Information
- Where – Pakistan (Asia)
- Website –
- Contact Person – Hyder Bux Shar
- Email –
- Address – No, 37 Ground Floor, Decent Arcade, Opposite Johar Complex, Gulistan-e-Johar, Block 7, Karachi, Pakistan
Areas of Expertise
The Centre for Peace and Justice Pakistan has expertise in a range of areas, including:
Main Aims and Objectives
The Centre for Peace and Justice Pakistan (CPJP) is a non-profit organization which was established in 1995 and was registered in 2010 at Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. CPJP was organized by a group of Lawyers, scholars and practitioners from diverse backgrounds ranging from politics to media and academia to writers and intellectuals. CPJP is an independent organization that works for strengthening the Peace and Justice in Pakistan.
Vision – to make Pakistan a just, equitable and more tolerant society by providing legal and social support to traditionally vulnerable communities and groups in collaboration with all the stakeholders.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
Mission – CPJP is creating awareness, building skills and generating funds for empowerment and involvement of women, children, rural communities, minorities, low income groups and victims of conflicts and is helping them to get justice and fair treatment by legal and peaceful means. For this purpose, CPJP partners with local, national and international agencies for collective action and development.
Where and with Whom?
CPJP works with student unions, labor organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations, political parties, academia, and print and electronic media.
CPJP has established a unique example of creativity, credibility and commitment through civic courage, transparent practices and the highest professional standards.
CPJP works throughout Pakistan.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
Advocacy on Peace and Justice
Advocacy on the issue of Detained Fishermen – About 800 fishermen languish in prisons in India and Pakistan. Prior to the release of 100 or so prisoners some years ago as a confidence building measure, there were 610 Indian fishermen imprisoned in Pakistan and about 300 Pakistani fishermen detained in India. Pakistan is also holding more than 400 Indian fishing boats. Fishermen suffer the brunt of the neighbourly hostility, being ignorant, poor and marginalized communities unaware of the maritime border and protocols. In this regard the CPJP is lobbing and advocating at different levels including seminars, workshops, and writing letter to government officials for the release of detained fishermen and their boats. Beside that CPJP is also planning to file a petition for the release of the detained fishermen.
Environmental Justice
Following the international treaties and law on environment, Pakistan has also adopted the Environmental law known as Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997. According to PEPA Environmental Tribunals were supposed to be established where the litigations were to be filed by the litigants and the justice was to be providing by the tribunals. But unfortunately in Karachi (Sindh) Environmental Tribunal has been established but its performance is a question mark. The CPJP intents to study its overall performance; Efficiency, efficacy, nature of case filed, heard and decided. On the basis of finding a report will be published followed by the Provincial level seminar. CPJP is looking for any potential donor/partner.
Ending Violence against Women
“Violence against women continues to persist as one of the most heinous, systematic and prevalent human rights abuses in the world. It is a threat to all women, and an obstacle to all our efforts for development, peace, and gender equality in all societies. Violence against women is always a violation of human rights; it is always a crime; and it is always unacceptable. Let us take this issue with the deadly seriousness that it deserves.” – Ban Ki moon, United Nations Secretary General
What is violence against women?
According to the UN, violence against women is “Violence that is directed at a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately”.
Hundreds of women die each year in Pakistan in the name of ‘Honour’. CPJP believes women have the right to life without fear. Up to 80 per cent of Pakistani women have suffered some sort of domestic violence. Only 20 per cent of ‘honour killings’ are ever brought to Justice.
In many communities, social customs and attitudes tacitly condone and support violence against women. Simply seeking employment out of the house or wishing to choose your own husband can be seen as bringing shame on the family. In extreme cases, it can be punished with death.
CPJP is striving to end violence against women by providing legal assistance to the to victims of violence, by conducting awareness campaign in the schools, and holding street theaters, by displaying wall posters and banners. CPJP also educated the Police to lodge the complain if they receive any information regarding the incident of violence against women.
CPJP is looking for any potential supporter for implementation of “End Violence Against Women” programme more effectively and efficiently.
Peacebuilding to Reduce Tribal Clashes
Tribal conflicts have enhanced the impact of poverty, bolstered unemployment and generated ignorance among the educated sectors of society. These tribal conflicts have given government agencies and officials further impetus to ignore their obligations to the people in terms of safety and security. Economic activities cease, the agricultural sector halts and businesses close down.
The following tribes are continuously involved in violent clashes in Sindh Province: 1.) Lund between Bozdar, 2.) Bozdar between Gadani, 3.) Gadani between Malik, 4.) Pitafi between Mahar, 5.) Meerani between Kalhora, 6.) Shar between Bhutta, 7.) Kosh between Solangi, 8.) Lolai between Arbani, 9.) Jagrani between Chachar, 10.) Pitafi between Leghari.
This human tragedy has claimed the lives of more than one hundred women, men and children over the last eight months.
In the whole scenario, cases of violence against women witnessed a 13 per cent increase in 2009 in one year, statistics collected by Aurat Foundation revealed that 1762 incidents of violence against women were reported only in Sindh Province. HRCP has reported that in year 2009 was cruel year for the women in which more then 900 women were raped, while 700 were killed in the name of Honour.
CPJP is continuously advocating the masses on more tolerant society and promoting peace and harmony.
Peace Advocacy and Lobbing on Peace between Pakistan and India
Pakistan and India are both the nuclear capable powers; if the peace process will not continue then it will not only destroy the both countries but will bring instability in the whole Asian region. Therefore it is necessary to keep the peace process more strengthening. The Visa policy of the both countries need to be relaxed as the people from Pak and India easily visit each other. The People to people contact are the only way to strengthen the peace process.
CPJP is also taking efforts keep continue the process of peace. CPJP is the member of Pakistan Peace Coalition (PPC) and is actively taking part in different activities of Peace building process.
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