Contact Information
- Where – Cyprus (Europe)
- Website –
- Contact Person – Nadia Karayianni
- Email –
- Address – 27 Ezekia Papaioannou Street, P.O. Box 29131, 1621 Nicosia, Cyprus
Areas of Expertise
NGO Support Centre has expertise in a range of areas, including:
Main Aims and Objectives
To support dialogue which contribute to strengthening Cypriot civil society and to reinforce links between Cypriot Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on both sides of the divide, as well as links with international CSOs. The Centre also works to encourage dialogue which will lead to the reunification of Cyprus.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
- Dialogue – engaging in discussions with civil society organsiations in Cyprus for greater understanding between the divided communities;
- Lobbying – engaging Decision Makers to work with grass roots communities during the ongoing peace talks in Cyprus and for grass roots groups to share their ideas and concerns with politicians;
- Capacity Building – to work with civil society in Cyprus in order to build a strong civil society which works together across the divide in the post conflict situation;
- Trust Building – seeking to develop greater trust through sustained engagement and interaction with community groups and individuals.
Where and with Whom?
The NGO SC works in Cyprus – in both the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, and with minority communities, including Maronite, Latin and Armenian.
NGO SC works with CSOs, decision-makers and Ministries, the UN Good Offices, the Technical Teams engaged in the official peace process, schools, universities and individuals.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
- Peace dialogue with grass roots groups and decision makers;
- Training on conflict transformation;
- Advocacy and lobbying with decision-makers on both sides of the divide;
- Capacity building for NGO’s supporting peace and reconciliation and those that do not;
- Technical assistance programmes and mentoring for civil society groups.
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