Contact Information
- Where – United Kingdom
- Contact Person – Yono Isung
- Email –
- Address – P.0. Box 24211, Kampala
Areas of Expertise
African Sickle Cell Project UK has expertise in a range of areas, including:
Main Aims and Objectives
The African Sickle Cell Project UK aims to alleviate the suffering of African refugees and asylum seekers from African French speaking countries who are affected by sickle cell disease in providing multiform support for them to be able to rebuild their lives in the UK.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
The African Sickle Cell Project UK organizes meetings with members of different African communities to bring people together and talk. For example Rwandese and Congolese would never talk to one another due to on- going conflict and massacres perpetrated by Tutsie militiamen in eastern conflict. They try to go beyond these issues and make people understand the benefit of working together to end those senseless killings that benefit to no one except the multinationals and local politicians.
Where and with Whom
The African Sickle Cell Project is based in the UK, but operates in Kinshasa through an orphanage that it collaborates with.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
The African Sickle Cell Project assists orphans with clothes, school furniture, etc.
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