Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC)

Contact Information

  • Where – Armenia (The Caucasus)
  • Website –
  • Contact Person – Dr. Stepan Grigoryan
  • Email –
  • Address – Halabyan 22b apt. 42, 0036 Yerevan
  • Other – Facebook

Areas of Expertise

Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

ACGRC works as both a think-tank and an advocacy group, aiming to promote democratic values, strengthen civil society and the rule of law, and promote regional integration and the peaceful resolution of regional conflicts.

ACGRC supports public sector reforms and the development of good practices in local governance, disseminates knowledge on legal issues, produces expert assessments and analysis of conflict transformation and regional cooperation issues, and supports initiatives that foster an atmosphere of trust and peace in the South Caucasus.

ACGRC’s research interests include globalisation issues, global processes and their influence on regional cooperation, and the protection of human rights within the globalisation processes.

ACGRC has been one of the active supporters of the process of normalisation of relations with Turkey.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

ACGRC implemented a project entitled, ‘Trust building in Armenian-Turkish relations through civil society Actors cooperation’, which was supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia and Armenia. The main aims of the project were to:

  • Build trust between societies, including by breaking enemy stereotypes;
  • Improve cooperation between Armenian and Turkish civil society institutions – launching discussions about cooperation opportunities between NGOs, newspapers, experts, students, historians;
  • Establish contacts between Armenian and Turkish NGOs, journalists and experts in order to promote mutual tolerance and understanding.

Where and with Whom?

ACGRC previously won the ‘Black Sea NGO award for excellence in promoting regional cooperation in the Black Sea region’ (which is comprised of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine).

The aim of the award is to enhance the profile of the Black Sea Synergy and its role in proposing a regional, cooperative approach in the region, as well as the multilateral dimension of EU external policies.

A complete list of ACGRC’s partners can be found by clicking here.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

ACGRC’s regular activities also include organising schools on human rights and European integration, organised in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and European Studies of Yerevan State Linguistic University. ACGRC aims to disseminate knowledge about human rights among Armenian students and youth activists,. The schools have covered such topics as history and philosophy of human rights, constitutionalism, international covenants on human rights and anti-discrimination laws etc.

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