

Emerging from the margins

Constructing creative and useful approaches to both former Ottoman peripheries - the Balkans and the Middle East - requires shedding tattered notions of Western “leadership” and recognizing opportunities inherent in the acknowledgement of one’s own limits.

Bosnia – not your father’s Sporazum

The current politics of “2 against 1” reflect the failure that is Bosnia and the danger that a Dayton arrangement acceptable to none of the country’s players - except maybe for Dodik - could provoke challenges even more unexpected and indelible than those so far evident.

The dance of intimate enemies

Settlements in Bosnia and Kosovo (the former is no more “settled” than the latter) are possible only if local contestants — who know each other so well — expel international mavens from their discussions and take each other on directly.

Ples intimnih neprijatelja

Rešenja u Bosni i na Kosovu (prvi slučaj nije ništa više "rešen" u odnosu na potonji) su moguća samo ukoliko lokalni suprostavljeni akteri - koji se uzajamno jako dobro poznaju - iz svojih diskusija izbace međunarodne stručnjake i direktno se upuste u diskusiju jedni sa drugima.
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