Afghanistan – achieving the MDGs through peacebuilding
TransConflict is pleased to announce the launch a new project by the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR), in partnership with Cooperation for Peace and Unity Afghanistan (CPAU), both members of the Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation.
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The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) – in partnership with Cooperation for Peace and Unity Afghanistan (CPAU) – are announcing the launch of a project, entitled “Achieving the MDGs through Peacebuilding: Capacity building in transition to democracy, community based-dialogue and peacekeeping operations for international, national and local actors in Afghanistan”.
The project is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania through its Official Development Assistance budget and is implemented by PATRIR and CPAU, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme – Bratislava Regional Centre.
The project takes place in the period December 2013-November 2014, in Afghanistan and Romania.
The objective of the project is to strengthen state, civil society and UN capacity for peacebuilding, peace consolidation and violence prevention in Afghanistan in the aftermath of violent conflict. The project will assess and engage with key state, civil society, UN, and other relevant institutions in Afghanistan, to evaluate and support/strengthen their capacity for effective peace consolidation, managing the transition from ‘peacekeeping/peace enforcement’ to peacemaking and peace consolidation, and to support the development of targeted programming and measures for violence prevention.
The project will a) identify, evaluate and assess capacity and institutional development support for peacebuilding, peace consolidation and violence prevention to Afghan state and civil society actors; b) assess from Afghan and international experts and stakeholders current and future capacity needs; and c) design a core module and materials on peacebuilding and peace support operations for select state and non-state Afghan experts.
The project and all materials will be customised for the situation, needs and context in Afghanistan. PATRIR and CPAU will also draw upon contextualised knowledge of the needs and situation in Afghanistan plus – as appropriate – relevant international expertise in transitions and the key role of national (state and civil society capacity).
More information about the project can be found on PATRIR’s website or on the Facebook page, ‘Contributing to Peace Consolidation in Afghanistan’.
As part of the project, an assessment of the peacebuilding and peace consolidation capacity building and training needs, achievement and lessons learned within Afghanistan is being conducted, in order to develop customized, demand-based and locally owned capacity building/ training programmes is selected thematic areas. The project is implemented with the financial assistance of Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from the Official Development Assistance budget, in partnership with UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre. You can access the survey by clicking here.
RT @TransConflict: #Afghanistan – achieving the #MDGs through #peacebuilding: TransConflict is pleased to announce the launch a new… http…
RT @TransConflict: #Afghanistan – achieving the #MDGs through #peacebuilding: TransConflict is pleased to announce the launch a new… http…
RT @TransConflict: #Afghanistan – achieving the #MDGs through #peacebuilding: TransConflict is pleased to announce the launch a new… http…
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