Contact Information
- Where – Uganda (Eastern Africa)
- Contact Person – Richard Obedi
- Email –
- Address – Lira Regional Coordination Office, Central Park Village, Ireda West, Central Division, Lira Municipality, P.O. Box 919, Lira – Uganda
- Other –
Areas of Expertise
The Populace Foundation – Uganda has expertise in a range of areas, including:
- Advocacy and Lobbying
- Dialogue
- Education
- Good Governance and Security Sector Reform
- Human, Minority and Women’s Rights
- Mediation and Negotiation
- Regional and Cross Border Co-operation
- Sustainable Human Development
- Youth Empowerment
Main Aims and Objectives
The Populace Foundation Uganda (TPF-Uganda) promotes reconciliation and peace-building amongst conflict-affected communities in North and North-Eastern Uganda.The organization’s initiatives focus on transforming the persistent acts of violence and indiscriminate killings by Karimojong warriors through:
- Facilitating the creation of a platform that provides space for constructive peaceful dialogue between the Karimojong, Acholi people and other ethnic neighbouring tribes so as to enhance harmonious co-existence between them, with a clear channel of redress for cross-border conflicts;
- Developing a clear channel for redress of cross-border topical concerns through enhancing access to justice for indigent litigants who can not afford the conventional legal avenues in seeking redress, resolving disputes, complaints, cases and other commonly occurring injustices as a result of Karimojong invasions in the cross-border regions of Acholi, Lango, Teso and Karamoja.
- Rebuilding the mental infrastructures of vulnerable children whose lives have been distorted, and their future stolen, as a result of prolonged conflict in Northern Uganda;
- Identifying, introducing, developing and monitoring programmes and income generating activities that will provide opportunities to the local communities for sustainable human development;
- HIV/AIDS prevention & control programmes aimed at sensitising communities about HIV/ AIDS and other STIs. As well as to encourage them to positively support and care for HIV/AIDS patients and orphans;
- Improving the living conditions of households with focus on increasing access to education, health and sanitation;
- Promotion and establishment of income generating projects for the rural poor;
- Projects for creating social security of children and other socially and economically disadvantaged community members;
- To enhance partnership, cooperation, collaboration and coordination with other partners in development and humanitarian.
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
- Carries out community peace education and training of peace and conflict monitors – trained information gatherers;
- Conducts trainings on conflict prevention, mitigation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);
- Lobby the conflicting parties to commit to a peaceful end of the conflict;
- Constructive engagements of the conflicting parties.
In executing all the above, TPF-Uganda takes into consideration the five specific types of transformation, with emphasis on structural, behavioural and attitudinal aspects of conflict:
- a. Actors – modifying actors’ goals and their approach to pursuing these goals, including by strengthening understanding as to the causes and consequences of their respective actions;
- b. Contexts – challenging the meaning and perceptions of conflict itself, particularly the respective attitudes and understandings of specific actors towards one another;
- c. Issues – redefining the issues that are central to the prevailing conflict, and reformulating the position of key actors on those very issues
Where and with whom?
TPF-Uganda is operational in designated districts in Northern Uganda.
TPF-Uganda is also a part of:
- Civil Society Organizations for Peace in Northern Uganda (CSOPNU) – A coalition of over 90 Civil Society Actors advocating for a just and lasting peace in Northern Uganda.
- Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention Sub-Committee of the National Platform/ Working Group (Office of the Prime Minister) – A body instituted to handle Issues Paper on the development of peace-building and conflict prevention national policy and the inclusion of peacebuilding and conflict prevention into the National Planning Authority.
- Greater North Transitional Justice Working Group (GNTJWG) – An initiative aimed at building a coherent and more proactive momentum for a comprehensive and inclusive transitional justice process for primary victims of the conflict in Northern Uganda and Uganda as a whole.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
- Facilitation and Training of Trainers (ToTs) workshop for peace and conflict monitors – with the overall goal of training the participants in capacity-building and enhancing their knowledge on peace-building, conflict management and mitigation with funding support from Danida-Human Rights and Good Governance (DANIDA-HUGGO) on Karamoja – Acholi Cross-Border Peace-Building Programme within border districts of Pader, Abim, Kotido, Kaabong, Kitgum and Gulu Districts, in an effort to facilitate the creation of platform that provides space for constructive peaceful dialogue and enhance a harmonious co-existence between the Karimojong and Acholi people.
- Facilitation on United Nations Security Council Resolution (UN SCR) 1325 Workshop for Women’s Parliamentarians in Lira District in August 2007 – aimed at empowering women for durable peace and reconciliation in Northern Uganda.
- Attended Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting Between the Government of Uganda Peace Team and the Civil Society Organizations for Peace in Northern Uganda (CSOPNU) – on the theme: “Amplifying Civil Society Organizations’ Participation in Search for Peace In Northern Uganda” in 2006.
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