Young Peace Builders (YPB)

Contact Information

Areas of Expertise

Young Peace Builders (YPB) has expertise in a range of areas, including:

Main Aims and Objectives

YPB is a youth-led non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making voluntary network organization that seeks to pioneer peace and development by creating a supportive environment for the survival and development of communities by encouraging local initiatives for community developments, empowering young people in volunteerism and linking up their initiatives for peace to help increase the effectiveness of their actions. YPB was established to put young people at the helm of peacebuilding, volunteerism and community development, promote youth participation in governance and policy making.

Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation

YPB strongly believes in mutual respect for all regardless of race, origin, tribe, religious or political affiliations. YPB is committed to building a sustainable world in which peace, justice, solidarity, human dignity, sustainable development and respect for human rights prevails. YPB is a composite of post-conflict countries dealing with post conflict issues like the restoration of ethnic cohesion, reintegration, reconciliation, and structural reforms in democracy and leadership in an attempt to lay a future foundation that will prevent future violence.

Where and with Whom

YPB seeks to engage young people and other partners in Sierra Leone, the Mano River union and other African Countries as the need arises with specific focus on young people (youth) as the major stakeholders in any possible conflict situation.

Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation

In order to achieve its goals in serving humanity, YPB’s projects are focused on:

  • Peacebuilding, human rights and security;
  • Youth participation in governance;
  • Gender equality and SRHR;
  • Drug Trafficking, money-laundering and corruption;
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Media
  • Youth exchange and volunteerism


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