Contact Information
- Where – Pakistan (Asia)
- Website –
- Contact Person – Atta ul Haq Khaderzai
- Email –
- Address – House No. 221-C Samungly Housing Scheme, Smungly Road 5Footi Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan
- Other –
Areas of Expertise
The Youth Association for Development has expertise in a range of areas, including:
Main Aims and Objectives
The Youth Association for Development works to:
- Promote and protect basic human rights particularly of women and minorities;
- Contribute to the creation of a tolerant society through the promotion of the value of peace and human rights;
- Support conflict transformation in areas of conflict in Pakistan;
- Promote interfaith and social harmony, democracy and good governance;
- Mobilize stakeholders for social development;
- Incorporate gender sensitization in all program activities and to make gender a cross-cutting theme;
- Increase literacy trough quality education, research and public-private partnership development;
Upholding the Principles of Conflict Transformation
YAD is working for peace and conflict transformation in the conflict-affected zones of Pakistan. YAD includes the principles of conflict transformation in its policies, strategic planning, methodologies, and program planning. YAD shares the principles of conflict transformation in all its organization units, field offices, and areas of interventions. YAD will also publish these principles and disseminate them at large.
Where and with Whom?
YAD is working in Baluchistan province of Pakistan.
YAD’s main counterparts are youth, minorities, women, journalists, students, political parties, lawyers, notables, elders and the general public.
Main Activities in the Field of Conflict Transformation
Baluchistan Peace Exchange Journey (BPEJ)
YAD – through its BPEJ program YAD works towards peacebuilding and conflict transformation with young people, the general public, children, religious clerics, political parties, journalists, civil society and other key stakeholders. Through this platform, the participants have the opportunity to meet each other in order to provide education and motivation about conflict transformation, as well as to learn new peacebuilding ideas, approaches, methodologies, strategies and skills. YAD also provide an opportunity for youth from all sects of society to become a part of peacebuilding advocacy, mobilization and awareness campaign through peace walk, rallies, seminars and interactive peace building cultural nights. The participants are also able to extend their services to other districts of the province, whilst building their links with civil society, policy-makers, academia, the media and the general public, through which they can pursue integrated peace building interventions. This program is implemented in three districts of Baluchistan including Loralai, Ziarat & Quetta, with more than 250 participants taking part to date.
Active Citizen Program
YAD focuses on peace, tolerance, social and inter-faith harmony in the district of Loralai. Groups of volunteers conduct situation analysis of conflicts that are undermining peace in the area, mainly due to religious extremism & tribal dominance. The Active Citizen Program focuses on these issues and conducts stakeholder meetings, peace dialogues, peace culture shows, social gatherings, journalist sensitizations, and meetings with political parties. Following such events, peace violations reduce and Talibinization decreases. As a result, this program has been extended to three more districts including Quetta, Sibi and Khuzdar, with more than 500 beneficiaries overall so far.
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