Croatia, Serbia and the crime of genocide
Serbia and Croatia should move to drop their respective claims for genocide and instead work together to solve their remaining problems, for the sake of both good neighbourly relations and the wider region.
Kosovo – okay, really, what next?
With 2009 having ended much as it began, the international community must continue to pursue a peacekeeping approach to the north in order to keep alive the possibility of a negotiated outcome.
Kosovo – partitioning what from what?
Though partition is far from the best way to resolve the Kosovo question, it is a political option for Kosovo as part of a final status resolution and has been used by one side already.
Kosovo – what is to be done?
With the International Court of Justice’s verdict on the legality of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence likely to be tilted in Serbia’s favour, possible elements... Read More
The concept of international security and the evolving role of NATO
NATO has survived the end of the Cold War by adopting new missions, changing conceptually, taking in new members and by invoking Article Five in... Read More
Kosovo and the Ahtisaari Plan
In the absence of a status agreement, the Quint must look at the Ahtisaari Plan once more by re-engaging Russia and focusing on trying to... Read More
Peacekeeping in Kosovo
Peacekeeping in Kosovo requires continuous efforts to help local Albanians and Serbs co-exist next to each other while working to find ways for them to... Read More
Clashes in Kosovo
A series of clashes in Kosovo have further exposed EULEX’s perceived and actual shortcomings with respect to its proclaimed status neutrality.
Protocol for co-operation
The expected signing of a co-operation protocol between
Premature withdrawal
With NATO’s New Secretary General making his first official visit to Kosovo, speculation about possible troop withdrawals ignores the present security challenges.
Walking the Kosovo tightrope
With Kosovo's status under debate, the EU's rule-of-law mission must remain neutral if it is to ensure stability in the region.
Evading the rule of law
The failure to extradite Agim Ceku, the former prime minister of Kosovo, represents a further blow to international law and good neighbourly relations in the Western Balkans.
EULEX and minority communities in Kosovo
TransConflict's Co-Founders, Mr. Ian Bancroft and Ms. Mirjana Kosic, recently took part in a three-day workshop organized by the Youth Dialogue Programme, in conjunction with the EULEX Mission in Kosovo, entitled, "EULEX and Minority Communities in Kosovo".
The flight of Kosovo's minorities
The EU insists that Kosovo is a tolerant and multi-ethnic society. So why are its minorities leaving?
Biden visit muddies Balkan waters
The appointment of a US special envoy to the Balkans would only serve to undermine the legitimacy and leverage of the EU.
Kosovo's Serbs must return
The international community has failed to ensure the safe return of hundreds of thousands of people expelled from their homes.
Serbia’s anniversary is a timely reminder
Nato's intervention over Kosovo in 1999 was an important precursor to the invasion of Iraq four years later.