Northern Ireland – Living in the Half Light
TransConflict is pleased to present a short film, entitled ‘Living in the Half Light’ , which explores the challenges of dual identity experienced by children and youth in Northern Ireland whose origins are from a different culture.
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By Zhenia Mahdi-Nau
This was my first film, made in 2009, and reflects some of issues that affected myself when I moved to London some years ago, having just finished primary school in Iran.
The film features four young people living in Belfast, whose origins brought them to the city from China, Egypt, India and Zambia. It depicts the complex identity issues facing these four individuals as children and young people, and highlights some of the confusions and concerns added to their expected growing pains as they try to fit in and be accepted as ‘normal’.
Original music by Daniel Perskwieck, Yongyang Huo, Magwere (Talking Drum), Drumderg Loyalists Band and Different Drums of Ireland. The closing rap by Guma Banda.