

La necesidad de paz

Las elecciones del 21 de diciembre de 2017 son las elecciones más importantes que Cataluña haya visto jamás. Son también las elecciones más importantes que...
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Catalonia votes

Madrid’s refusal to compromise, in the view of the Catalan nationalist movement, renders the push towards Catalan independence impossible to avert. There is no practical...
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Votaciones Catalanas

La negativa de Madrid a comprometerse, en opinión del movimiento nacionalista catalán, hace que el impulso hacia la independencia catalana sea imposible de evitar. No...
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Catalan Independence

In the Catalan crisis, pro-independence politicians have proven themselves particularly astute in their tactical judgments and this has undoubtedly accelerated the crisis. Nevertheless the fact...
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Building an inclusive peace process in the Basque Country

It is time for the local, regional and state-wide political leadership to recognise the maturity of local civil society and afford it a lead-role in the resolution of the Basque conflict and all aspects that surround it - such as the issue of prisoners, the victims of terrorism, political legitimacy and even the right to repentance.

Resolving the Basque conflict

The Spanish government should immediately establish contacts with ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna); not because it owes ETA anything, but because Basque society wants the irreversibility of the end of violence to be guaranteed through the disarmament and dismantling of ETA’s structures.
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