Unfree and unfair in northern Kosovo
The municipal elections in Kosovo on were not really local, and come down to two very different stories depending on whether one looks at the... Read More
Kosovo – what next?
When the election is run again, it will hopefully take place with adequate EULEX presence and with UN as well as OSCE observation. Whatever the... Read More
Elections in Kosovo’s north – ideological purgatory?
Should the November local elections in Kosovo ultimately fail due to a combination of violence and boycotts, then the very process of normalization between Belgrade and... Read More
Kosovo – to vote or not to vote?
Belgrade’s position is that the elections must be conducted in a status neutral manner. Though the Kosovo government has said no decision has been made... Read More
Kenya will decide and the world will be watching – the 2013 elections
On March 4th, Kenyans will vote in the country’s most complex and momentous elections to date. The build-up to the polls has been eagerly watched... Read More
Youth as a bridge – peacebuilding in north-western Kenya
The emergence of locally-initiated and supported peacebuilding initiatives by young people - acting as change agents, mentors and leaders - is fostering a new paradigm in governance, development and peacebuilding amongst pastoralist communities in north-western Kenya.
The battle of Tirana
Elections for the mayoralty of Tirana on May 8th will not only have profound ramifications for politics at the local and national level, but will also provide Albania with an important opportunity to prove its democratic credentials and political maturity to an expectant Europe.
Kosovo chooses its future course
The outcome of Kosovo's first general elections since declaring independence will be key to determining Pristina’s willingness to engage constructively in forthcoming talks with Serbia.
Local elections may herald a period of flux in Montenegro
While Djukanovic’s ruling party has claimed victory, the opposition seems likely to be galvanised by their relatively strong showing in the capital and elsewhere.